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Up Directory CCL 07.05.18 Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Mar 9 17:23:29 2007
Subject: 07.05.18 Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association
We are pleased to announce that the 2007 meeting of the Southeastern 
Theoretical Chemistry Association (SETCA) will be held at Virginia Tech 
in Blacksburg, Virginia, on Friday and Saturday, May 18th and 19th, 2007.
In the 38-year history of the Association, this will be the first time 
the annual meeting has been held in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We 
strongly encourage participation by students and postdoctoral associates, 
and thanks to generous support from sponsors such as SGI, James River 
Technical, and Virginia Tech, we are able to keep the registration fee at 
only $50.  The program will run from Friday morning to approximately 
12:30pm on Saturday and will include contributed and invited talks, a 
poster session, and a banquet.  The contributed talks will be selected 
based on the abstracts submitted to the conference, with priority given 
to presentations by students and postdocs.

The list of confirmed invited speakers includes:

Prof. David N. Beratan (Duke Univ.)
Prof. Joel M. Bowman (Emory Univ.)
Prof. Sergei A. Egorov (Univ. Virginia)
Prof. Peter M. W. Gill (Australian National Univ.)
Prof. Robert J. Harrison (Univ. Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Labs)
Prof. So Hirata (Univ. Florida)
Prof. Eluvathingal D. Jemmis (Indian Institute of Science)
Prof. Henry F. Schaefer (Univ. Georgia)
Prof. Gregory S. Tschumper (Univ. Mississippi)

For on-line registration, abstract submission, travel information, hotel 
accommodation options, and a brief history of SETCA, please visit the 
conference website at:

Please note that the registration system includes an option for 
credit-card payments, which we hope will make your registration for 
SETCA more convenient.  The deadline for registration and abstract 
submission is Friday, May 4th, and the hotel reservation deadline is 
Thursday, April 26th.

We look forward to seeing you all in Blacksburg in May!


T. Daniel Crawford
Diego Troya
Edward F. Valeev
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Modified: Fri Mar 9 22:23:29 2007 GMT
Page accessed 6799 times since Fri Mar 9 22:21:41 2007 GMT

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