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Up Directory CCL 07.10.04 Molecular Docking, Complexity, and Optimization, Biotec TUD, Dresden, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Apr 4 03:54:57 2007
Subject: 07.10.04 Molecular Docking, Complexity, and Optimization, Biotec TUD, Dresden, Germany
The molecular docking problem is to find the best orientation of two
molecules to each other. The interaction can be modeled by a scoring
function that includes terms describing the inter- and
intramolecular energies. The number of degrees of freedom strongly
depends on the complexity of the docking approach. The resulting
fitness landscape is highly irregular. Due to this complexity
sophisticated optimization algorithms are needed. Bio-inspired
methods are known to be valuable tools to successfully explore such
search spaces.

In order to gain a deeper insight to biochemical processes and to
support the finding of potent drugs, these methods are of great
importance in academic and industrial research.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of communication between the
communities from computer and life sciences involved in these
topics. This event is intended to overcome this and to serve as a
platform for exchange of knowledge and for discussion. The focus is
not limited on original work but also on introductory talks from the
different fields of research.

The workshop is a satellite conference to the European Conference on Complex 
Systems (

Dr. Carsten Baldauf
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Modified: Wed Apr 4 07:54:57 2007 GMT
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