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Up Directory CCL 07.06.25 Summer School in Computational Chemistry (EEQTC.CAT), Barcelona
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu May 3 04:08:28 2007
Subject: 07.06.25 Summer School in Computational Chemistry (EEQTC.CAT), Barcelona
Dear colleague,

The "1st Summer School in Theoretical and Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of Catalonia (EEQTC.CAT)" will take place in Barcelona from June 25th to June 29th, 2007.

The school will consist of three independent modules, with the following topics:
1. "Molecular magnetism: synthesis, characterization and theoretical approaches", directed by Eliseo Ruiz (Universitat de Barcelona)
2. "Enzymes: binding and reactivity", directed by Angels Gonzalez-Lafont (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
3. "Introduction to electronic structure calculations using SIESTA", directed by Pablo Ordejon (Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB))

Please find additional information, including registration details, at

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

Sincerely yours,
Feliu Maseras / Pere Alemany
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Modified: Thu May 3 08:08:29 2007 GMT
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