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Up Directory CCL 07.11.11 3. German Conference on Chemoinformatics
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jul 18 23:03:44 2007
Subject: 07.11.11 3. German Conference on Chemoinformatics
3. German Conference on Chemoinformatics
Goslar, Germany,
November 11-13, 2007.

the CIC division of the German Chemical Society is proud to announce the 3. German
Conference on Chemoinformatics ( to be held in Goslar,
Germany, November 11-13, 2007.

This international symposium will address a broad range of modern research topics in
the field of Computers and Chemistry. Focus will be on recent developments and
trends in the fields of

* Chemoinformatics and Drug Development
* Chemical Information
* Molecular Modelling
* Computational Material Science and Nanotechnology

and other highlights in the field of Computational Chemistry. The scientific program
will include plenary lectures, short lectures as well as poster presentations.
Invited Speakers are J. Bajorath, T. Frauenheim, S. Heller, A. Hillisch, T. Oprea,
A. Tropsha

A special highlight of the conference will be the awarding of the
Gmelin-Beilstein-Denkmnze to Dr. Olga Kennard and the handover of the FIZ BERLIN
Chemie awards.
We will also award the three best poster submissions. 

Abstracts for oral contributions and posters can still be submitted until July 31.

The conference website at has links to the abstract
submission interface, a PDF version of the first circular as well as additional

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

With kind regards 

Dr. Frank Oellien
Intervet Innovation GmbH
Zur Propstei
55270 Schwabenheim, Germany

E-Mail:           frank.oellien\a/
Phone:        +49 (6130) 948 365                
Fax:        +49 (6130) 948 517                
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Modified: Thu Jul 19 03:03:44 2007 GMT
Page accessed 6438 times since Thu Jul 19 03:03:45 2007 GMT

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