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Up Directory CCL 08.07.27 Comp Chem GRC: New Computational Tools For 21st Century Chemistry, South Hadley, MA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Oct 11 21:35:37 2007
Subject: 08.07.27 Comp Chem GRC: New Computational Tools For 21st Century Chemistry, South Hadley, MA
Gordon Research Conference

New Computational Tools For 21st Century Chemistry

July 27 - August 1, 2008
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA

Jed W. Pitera

Vice Chair:
Walter Thiel
Application Deadline: Applications for this meeting must be submitted
by July 6, 2008.

Please apply early, as some conferences become oversubscribed (full)
before this deadline. If the conference is oversubscribed, it will be
stated here. You will still be able to submit your application.
However, it will only be considered by the Conference Chair if there
are cancellations, making more seats available.
The Computational Chemistry GRC has been held biennially since 1986,
with chairs alternating between academia and industry. The conference
draws a mix of participants from industry, academia, and government
covering the full spectrum of computational chemistry -- from ab initio
quantum chemistry and quantum dynamics through classical simulation of
liquids, biopolymers and materials to docking, virtual screening, and
cheminformatics. The 2008 Conference will keep to the traditional GRC
format: talks and posters will focus on new, unpublished work;
extensive time will be set aside for discussion; and poster sessions
will allow participants to show their work and discuss it in detail.

The 2008 conference program will focus on new computational chemistry
methods for industrial applications in drug discovery, materials
science, and nanotechnology. In addition to general sections on quantum
mechanics (topics such as dispersion and local hybrid methods in DFT),
classical simulation (focusing on sampling methods and free energy
calculations), and cheminformatics, special sections are planned for
Physical Methods in Docking, Open Boundary Multiscale Modelling and
Biomolecular Electrostatics.

A preliminary program will be available by December 3, 2007. Please
check back for updates.
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Modified: Fri Oct 12 01:35:37 2007 GMT
Page accessed 7134 times since Fri Oct 12 01:35:37 2007 GMT

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