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Up Directory CCL 08.07.13 19th IUPAC 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry 2008, Compostela, Spain
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Oct 11 22:09:44 2007
Subject: 08.07.13 19th IUPAC 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry 2008, Compostela, Spain
19th IUPAC 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry 2008.
13-18 July 2008, Compostela, Spain

You are cordially invited to attend the 19th IUPAC Conference on
Physical Organic Chemistry 2008. The Symposium will be held at The
Royal University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, between 13-18 July 2008.

The ICPOC are specially dedicated to scientists active in the area of
Physical Organic Chemistry and Reactivity and will cover the diversity
of modern research in this area, emphasising its interactions with
other fields.

The programme will include plenary and invited lectures, oral
communications and poster presentations.

Second Circular: January 2008
Submission of Abstracts: Please submit your abstracts as soon as possible.
Notification of acceptance and way of presentation: May 1, 2008
Deadline for early registration: May 15, 2008

 Scientific Programme
Plenary Lectures:

# Prof. Christophe Copret, CPE Lyon - CNRS (France)
# Prof. Avelino Corma, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia - CSIC (Spain)
# Prof. Ben Feringa, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
# Prof. Gernot Frenking, University of Marburg (Federal Republic of Germany)
# Prof. Kyoko Nozaki, Univeristy of Tokyo (Japan)
# Prof. Charles L. Perrin, U California at San Diego (California, USA)
# Prof. Paul Pregosin, ETH (Switzeland)
# Prof. Leo Radom, University of Sydney (Australia)
# Prof. Tito Scaiano, University of Ottawa (Canada)
# Prof. Vern Schramm, Yeshiva University (USA)

Invited Lectures:

# Prof. Nouria Al-Awadi, University of Kuwait (Kuwait)
# Prof. Claude Bernasconi, U of California at Santa Curz (California, USA)
# Prof. Enrique A. Castro, Pontificia Catlica Universidad de Chile (Chile)
# Prof. Cinzia Chiappe, Universit di Pisa (Italy)
# Prof. P. Leslie Dutton, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA)
# Prof. Julian Eastoe, University of Bristol (UK)
# Prof. Omal A. El Seoud, Universidad de Sao Paulo (Brazil)
# Prof. Manuel Garca-Basallote, Universidad de Cadiz (Spain)
# Prof. Rita H. de Rossi, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina)
# Prof. Florian Hollfelder, University of Cambridge (UK)
# Prof. Herbert Mayr, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)
# Prof. Luis Serrano-Andres, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
Oral Communications and Posters:

The Scientific Program will also include short Oral Communications (20
minutes, including discussion) and poster presentations.

The abstract proposals should be prepared according to the format
indicated in Information for Authors and sent as an attachment (Word
format) to  secretary/./ This e-mail address is being
protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ,
indicating the mode of presentation preferred by the author. After
evaluation and approval by the Scientific Committee, authors will be
notified about the acceptance of their papers and the form of
presentation. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots,
and you need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tentative Plenary Lectures:

# Prof. Rudolf Marcus, CALTECH (California, USA), Nobel Laureate 1992
# Prof. Mario Molina, MIT (Massachusetts, USA), Nobel Laureate 1995
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Modified: Fri Oct 12 02:09:44 2007 GMT
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