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Up Directory CCL 08.08.03 20th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Warsaw, Poland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Oct 11 22:44:35 2007
Subject: 08.08.03 20th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Warsaw, Poland
20th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Warsaw, Poland
Aug. 3-9, 2008
Warsaw, Poland

International Conferences on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCTs) have been
held under the auspices of IUPAC since 1969 rotating between Europe,
North America, and Asia. The first conference was held at Warsaw
(Poland) from August 31 to September 4, 1969 under the name of the 1st
International Conference on Calorimetry and Thermodynamics. Now the
circle has been closed and the 20th International Conference on Chemical
Thermodynamics will be held also at Warsaw on August 3-8, 2008. The
upcoming 20th ICCT will be organised as the third one (after those at
Beijing 2004 and Colorado 2006) under the auspices of the International
Association of Chemical Thermodynamics (IACT)

The 20th ICCT will cover a broad scope of issues related to chemical
thermodynamics, both experimental and theoretical. The conference will
be opened by two introductory general lectures. One will be devoted to
the actual theoretical problems in chemical thermodynamics as seen from
a physicist point of view and the other one to the recent and
prospective industrial applications of chemical thermodynamics

The scientific programme will host symposia and workshops ranging from
classical subjects such as molecular energetics, through ionic liquids
and supercritical phase equilibria up to the most recent topics, such as
thermodynamic approach to nanotechnologies and nanodevices and
environmental thermodynamics.

The 20th ICCT will be hosted in a conference centre GROMADA which offers
in the same place everything what is needed for a good conference (air
conditioned conference facilities, hotel rooms at varied prices, located
in a green area near the airport and having good city communication with
the downtown of Warsaw).

The host city Warsaw offers a number of interesting things to see, learn
and understand, both from historical and actual development point of
view. Come to see traces of Chopin and to hear his famous music.


International Advisory Board:

Prof. R.D. Weir, Kingston, Canada
Prof. J.-P.E. Grolier, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Dr. J.H. Dymond, Glasgow, UK
Dr. A.R.H. Goodwin, Sugarland, Texas
Prof. T. Atake, Yokohama, Japan
Prof. Th.W. De Loos, Delft, The Netherlands
Prof. U.K. Deiters, Cologne, Germany
Dr. M. Frenkel, NIST, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
Prof. T.M. Letcher, Durban, South Africa
Prof. S.L. Randzio, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. M.A.V. Ribeiro da Silva, Porto, Portugal
Prof. L-X. Sun, Dalian, China
Prof. A. Victorov, St. Petersburg, Russia
Prof. E. Vogel, Rostock, Germany
Prof. W.A. Wakeham, Southampton, UK
Prof. M-A. White, Halifax, Canada

Organising Committee:

Prof. Stanislaw L. Randzio, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Physical Chemistry (Chairman)
Prof. Urszula Domanska-Zelazna, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty
of Chemistry (Co-Chairman)
Prof. Jerzy Szydlowski, Warsaw University, Department of Chemistry
Dr. Jacek Gregorowicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical
Chemistry (Secretary)
Dr. Tadeusz Hofman, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of
Chemistry (Chairman of the local committee)
Prof. Jerzy Blazejowski, Gdansk University, Department of Chemistry,
Chairman of the General Council of Higher Education
Prof. Henryk Piekarski, Pro-Rector of Lodz University


 Professor Wolfgang ARLT (Erlangen) - plenary lecture on recent and
prospective industrial applications of chemical thermodynamics

 Professor Robert HOLYST (Warsaw) - plenary lecture on current
theoretical problems in chemical thermodynamics


 Professor Juergen GMEHLING (Oldenburg) - Rossini Lecture


 Molecular simulations of fluids and statistical thermodynamics
Professor Joachim GROSS
Delft University of Technology

National Technical University of Athens

 Phase equilibria, supercritical fluids and separation techniques
Professor Theo W. de LOOS
Delft University of Technology

Professor Hirohisa YOSHIDA
Tokyo Metropolitan University

 Electrolyte solutions and non-electrolyte mixtures including reactive
chemical systems
Professor Takayoshi KIMURA
Kinki University

Professor Gerd MAURER
Universitt Kaiserslautern

 Thermodynamics and properties in the biological, medical,
pharmaceutical, agricultural and food sectors
Professor Gnl KALETUNC
The Ohio State University

Professor David P. REMETA
Rutgers University-Piscataway

Professor Laszlo SMELLER
Semmelweis University of Medicine
Budapest, 1444 Hungary

 Nano-systems, nano-devices and advanced new materials
Professor Stanislaw L. RANDZIO
Polish Academy of Sciences

Professor Li-Xian SUN
Chinese Academy of Sciences

 Thermochemistry, calorimetry and molecular energetics
Professor Juliana BOERIO-GOATES
Brigham Young University

Professor Manuel A. V. RIBEIRO DA SILVA
University of Porto

 Properties of ionic liquids and their application in chemical

Professor Joan F. BRENECKE
Notre Dame University

Professor Urszula DOMANSKA-ZELAZNA
Warsaw University of Technology

Professor Luis Paulo N. REBELO
Universidade Nova de Lisboa

 Surface and colloid chemistry

Professor Geoffrey C. MAITLAND
Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Imperial College, London

Professor Alexey VICTOROV
St. Petersburg State University

 Industrial thermodynamics and databases
Professor Juergen GMEHLING
University of Oldenburg

Du Pont de Nemours (Deutschland) GmbH
D-59071 Hamm, Germany


 Thermodynamic frontiers and education
Dr. Hertanto ADIDHARMA
University of Wyoming

Professor Jerzy BLAZEJOWSKI
Gdansk University

Professor Trevor LETCHER
University of KwaZulu-Natal

 Modulated and oscillation temperature techniques
Professor Jean-Pierre E. GROLIER
Universit Blaise-Pascal

Professor Marek PYDA
Rzeszow University of Technology

 Environmental thermodynamics
Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Alexandar SABLJIC
Ruder Boskovic Institute
Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Daniel SALVITO
Research Institute for Fragrance Materials
Woodcliff Lake, USA
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