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Up Directory CCL 08.02.04 1st International Conference on Drug Design and Discovery, Dubai, UAE
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:37:07 2007
Subject: 08.02.04 1st International Conference on Drug Design and Discovery, Dubai, UAE
1st International Conference on Drug Design and Discovery
February 4 - 7, 2008, Dubai, UAE

The ICDDD 2008 is going to be the first major international conference
and exhibition of this series, which aims to present cutting edge
advances in various disciplines of drug design and discovery that have
been recently achieved. Over 400 leading industrial and academic experts
will present their findings in the form of lectures and poster
presentations at this four-day conference. The ICDDD 2008 will offer an
in-depth assessment of the challenges involved in the dynamic and fast
moving field of drug discovery and development. It will bring together
leading chemists, pharmacologists, biotechnologists, and other allied
professionals to discuss and present the latest important developments
in drug design and discovery.

The major topics of discussion related to drug design and discovery will
include: Cancer; Cardiovascular Diseases; CNS; Pharmacogenomics; Protein
& Peptides; Inflammation & Allergy; Drug Delivery & Safety; Drug
Discovery Informatics; Drug Metabolism; Medicinal and Combinatorial
Chemistry; Nanotechnology; Emerging Biomarkers & Drug Targets; Case
Studies of Successful Drug Discovery and Development.

Dubai, the host city, is the region's business and tourism centre which
is connected to all international markets. The city is also famous as
the regional trading hub and gateway to the rest of the Middle East. The
visitors coming to Dubai can enjoy a whole range of different
experiences which includes elements of adventure, contrast, discovery
and surprise. Dubai World Trade Center, the venue of the conference,
offers a comprehensive range of facilities catering to all types of
meetings and major international conventions.

General Information:

Dubai World Trade Centre
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 3321000
Fax: +971 4 3312173

Monday, February 04 Wednesday, Thursday 07, 2008

The Conference will take place in English and no simultaneous
translation will be provided.

Dubai has a mild climate in February and temperatures range between
10C- 20C. Rainfall is possible.

Organizing Secretaries:

Magid Abou-Gharbia (Case Studies of Successful Drug Discovery and
Development), Plenary Lecture

Erik De Clercq (Anti-Infective Drug Design and Discovery), Plenary Lecture

Michael J. Waring (Anti-Cancer Drug Design and Discovery), Plenary Lecture

Charles Cantor (Pharmacogenomics), Invited Lecture

Ben M. Dunn (Protein and Peptide Sciences), Invited Lecture

Kenji Izuhara (Inflammation and Allergy Drug Design and Discovery),
Plenary Lecture

Peter E. Nielsen (Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput
Screening), Invited Lecture

Stephen T. Furlong (New & Emerging Biomarkers & Drug Targets), Plenary Lecture

Levon M. Khachigian (Cardiovascular Drug Design and Discovery)

Chandra Prakash (Drug Metabolism), Invited Lecture

Allen B. Reitz (CNS Drug Design and Discovery), Plenary Lecture

Patrice Talaga (Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry)

Istvan Toth (Drug Delivery), Invited Lecture
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Modified: Sat Oct 13 17:37:07 2007 GMT
Page accessed 8244 times since Sat Oct 13 17:37:07 2007 GMT

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