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Up Directory CCL 08.09.22 ECCB08 European Conference on Computational Biology, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:39:14 2007
Subject: 08.09.22 ECCB08 European Conference on Computational Biology, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
ECCB08 European Conference on Computational Biology
Sept 22 - Sept 26, 2008, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

ECCB is the major European conference in Computational Biology and

The conference covers computational methods for molecular biology that
arise in the context of genomics and proteomics technologies in the
fields of molecular biology, molecular medicine and pharmaceutics.
Biological areas of interest include genomes and protein analysis,
algorithms and phylogeny, transcriptomics, structural bioinformatics,
proteomics, text mining, pathways and interactions, databases, systems
biology and bioinformatics for diseases.

The conference will start in the afternoon of September 22nd and it will
be preceded by a workshop and tutorial session. It will end on September
26th at lunch time.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Eric Davidson     California Institute of Technology, USA
Trey Ideker     University of California San Diego, USA
Christine Orengo  University College London, UK
Svante Pbo     Max Planck Institute for
Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany
Alfonso Valencia      Spanish National Cancer Research Center, Spain
Marc Vidal        Harvard Medical School, USA

Conference chair:
Anna Tramontano

Steering Committee
Soeren Brunak
Rita Casadio
Manuela Helmer-Citterich
Janet Kelso
Thomas Lengauer
Michal Linial
Alfonso Valencia

Area chairs:
Genomes and protein analysis  Ewan Birney Soren Brunak

Algorithms and phylogeny  Martin Vingron    Olivier Gascuel

Transcriptomics    Alvis Brazma   Janet Kelso

Structural Bioinformatics  Michal Linial      Anna Tramontano

Text mining  Lynette Hirschman      Alfonso Valencia

Pathways / Interactions / Proteomics      Trey Ideker    Hans-Peter Lenhof

Databases  David Lipman     Rolf Apweiler

Systems biology    Peer Bork   Joerg Stelling

Bioinformatics for diseases  Thomas Lengauer          Yves Moreau

Local Organizing Committee
Chair: Anna Tramontano
Manuela Helmer-Citterich
Elisbetta Pizzi
Alejandro Giorgetti
Domenico Raimondo
Domenico Cozzetto
Paolo Marcatili
Elisabetta Catarozzo
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Modified: Sat Oct 13 17:39:14 2007 GMT
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