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Up Directory CCL 08.07.19 ISMB 2008,16th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems, for Molecular Biology, Toronto, Canada
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:41:26 2007
Subject: 08.07.19 ISMB 2008,16th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems, for Molecular Biology, Toronto, Canada
The ISMB conferences began in 1993 and were the driving force behind the
founding of the International Society for Computational Biology
( in 1997, which has been organizing this conference ever
since. ISCB is the only society representing computational biology on a
worldwide scale and its flagship conference ISMB has become the largest
conference on computational biology worldwide. ISCB continues to see
ISMB as its major flagship annual event.

ISMB 2008 will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in
Toronto, Canada. The conference will feature an exciting scientific
program including scientific tracks, posters, demonstrations, and
featuring ten internationally renowned keynote presenters.

Conference Chairs

Burkhard Rost, Conference Chair, Columbia University, New York, USA

Michal Linial, Conference Co-chair, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel

Jill Mesirov, Conference Co-Chair, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridg\
e, USA

Honorary Chair:
Thomas J. Hudson, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON, Canada

Steering Committee

David Rocke, Steering Committee Chair & ISCB Treasurer, University of
California, Davis, CA, USA

Thomas J. Hudson, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON, Canada

Janet Kelso, ISCB Conferences Committee Chair, Max-Planck-Institute for

Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany

Steven Leard, ISCB Meetings Manager, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Thomas Lengauer, ISMB/ECCB 2007 Conference Chair, Max-Planck Institute
for Informatics, Saarbrcken, Germany

Michal Linial, Conference Co-chair, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel

BJ Morrison McKay, ISCB Executive Officer, San Diego, CA, USA

Jill Mesirov, Conference Co-Chair, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,
Cambridge, USA

Burkhard Rost, Conference Chair, Columbia University, New York, USA

Reinhard Schneider, ISCB VP, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Alfonso Valencia, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO),
Madrid, Spain

Shoshana Wodak, Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

Scientific Organizing Committee

Highlights Track: Burkhard Rost, , Columbia University, New York, USA
Industry Relations: Reinhard Schneider, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Posters: Marco Punta, Columbia University, USA
Scientific Papers: Alfonso Valencia, Madrid, Spain
Special Interest Groups: Hershel Safer, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel
Special Sessions: Michal Linial, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Travel Fellowships: Dietlind Gerloff, University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Tutorials: Janet Kelso, Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary
Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
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Modified: Sat Oct 13 17:41:26 2007 GMT
Page accessed 6789 times since Sat Oct 13 17:41:26 2007 GMT

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