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Up Directory CCL 08.06.30 CAC2008 11th conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Montpellier - France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:48:54 2007
Subject: 08.06.30 CAC2008 11th conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, Montpellier - France
CAC2008 11th conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry
June 30th - July 4th 2008
Montpellier - France

The organizing committee of CAC2008 is happy to invite you to
Montpellier (France) for the 11th conference on Chemometrics in
Analytical Chemistry.

In accordance with the CAC tradition, this conference will address many
fields of application, such as: Biosciences, Analytical Chemistry,
Chemical & Process Engineering, Food, Pharmacy, Environment. The most
recent methodological developments will be presented, according to the 5
following principal axes:

   1. Chemo- and bio-informatics
          * Data mining
          * -omics analysis
          * Multiset analysis
   2. Experimental design
          * Numerical simulation
          * Advances in experimental design
          * Robustness studie
          * Novel applications
   3. Advances in Chemometrics
          * Method developments
          * Improving precision, robustness, sensitivity and detection limit
          * Novel applications
   4. Image analysis
          * Image processing
          * Segmentation
          * Resolution
          * Hyper spectral imaging
   5. Process analysis
          * Process control and modelling
          * PAT
          * Online robustness
          * Online diagnosis

We are hoping to be able to set up some state-of-the-art forms of
communication, through which scientists, experts and industrialists from
all over the world will be able meet and exchange ideas

We hope that you will appreciate the scientific program of the
conference and attractions of Montpellier.
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Modified: Sat Oct 13 17:48:54 2007 GMT
Page accessed 8565 times since Sat Oct 13 17:48:54 2007 GMT

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