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Up Directory CCL 08.02.18 VI Winter Symposium on Chemometrics, Kazan, Russia
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Oct 13 13:51:34 2007
Subject: 08.02.18 VI Winter Symposium on Chemometrics, Kazan, Russia
VI Winter Symposium on Chemometrics
February 1822 , 2008, Kazan, Russia

You are cordially invited to attend Sixth Winter Symposium on
Chemometrics. WSC-6 is the only chemometrics conference in Russia.

The symposium will be held in Kazan (population 1,1 million), a
beautiful city located on the bank of the Volga river, 800 km from
Moscow. The scientific WSC-6 activities will take place in the
recreation center Deep lake which is situated at the suburbs of Kazan.
The attendees will live at the same place in the comfortable cottages.

The official symposium language is English.

The organizing committee has arranged for publication of proceedings as
a special issue of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. All
papers will be peer reviewed in accordance with Elsevier's standard
editorial policies.

A special issue with selected paper from previous symposium (WSC-5) is
available here.

An introductory 2-day course in chemometrics will be held immediately
before the symposium. The participants of this introductory school will
be introduced to projection methods of multivariate data analysis,
multivariate calibration and classification. The course language is

01.12.07  Deadline for early registration
31.12.07  Deadline for application
16.02.08  Course opening
18.02.08  Arrival and registration
19.02.08  Symposium opening
22.02.08  Symposium closing and departure

Key dates

An introductory 2-day course in chemometrics will be held immediately
before the symposium. The participants of this introductory school will
be introduced to projection methods of multivariate data analysis,
multivariate calibration and classification. Course language is

The official conference language is English. The conference program
includes lectures of the invited speakers as well as oral presentations
of attendees. The time for presentation is 20 minutes +10 minutes for
discussion. Participants may deliver not only final results but are also
welcomed to discuss preliminary problem statements and methods, all in
the distinguishing unofficial atmosphere, which is a characteristic
feature of all WSC meetings. The program always provides ample time for
discussions Attendees will receive a book of abstracts and information
about WSC-6.

Poster contributions can be installed on the first day of the
conference, to be posted for the entire symposium.

The detailed program and schedule of the symposium will be available on
this site later!

The central idea of the first 5-year cycle of the Drushbametrics program
(DM) was to start up chemometrics in Russia and to reach out to new,
young (and not-so-young) scientists abroad with a view to further
contacts at all levels.

The success of the previous conferences confirms the benefit of
continuing to organize scientific meetings devoted to developing
chemometrics in Russia. An equally important objective is to facilitate
international networking with colleagues from abroad. Beginning from
WSC-4 we renamed our meetings from "Winter School on Chemometrics" to
"Winter Symposium on Chemometrics". A representative selection of the
state of the art of WSC contributions is a recent special issue of
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems journal.

For the two last meetings Elsevier Publishers provided a special prize
for the best oral or poster presentation from a young scientist.

WSC-6 starts a second generation Drushbametrics biannual cycle. In the
future the DM project will focus on closer formal cooperation with other
national chemometrics societies.

Scientific contributions to WSC-6 are solicited on all aspects of chemometric
The success of the previous conferences confirms the benefit of
continuing to organize scientific meetings devoted to developing
chemometrics in Russia. An equally important objective is to facilitate
international networking with colleagues from abroad. Beginning from
WSC-4 we renamed our meetings from "Winter School on Chemometrics" to
"Winter Symposium on Chemometrics". A representative selection of the
state of the art of WSC contributions is a recent special issue of
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems journal.

For the two last meetings Elsevier Publishers provided a special prize
for the best oral or poster presentation from a young scientist.

WSC-6 starts a second generation Drushbametrics biannual cycle. In the
future the DM project will focus on closer formal cooperation with other
national chemometrics societies.

Scientific contributions to WSC-6 are solicited on all aspects of chemometrics.

The Drushbametrics conferences are famous for their varied and intensive
cultural and social program which not only includes local interesting
attractions and events, but which focuses especially on scientific
networking. Every night the traditional Scores & Loadings party will
be held  with no limits on the number of standard deviations. This
tradition was an inherent part of the first Drushbametrics program  it
has every chance to become an ever more important fixture also in the
next 10 years. Your contribution is important!
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Modified: Sat Oct 13 17:51:34 2007 GMT
Page accessed 6471 times since Sat Oct 13 17:51:34 2007 GMT

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