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CCL 08.05.19 Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment - ICPMSE-9 |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Sun Oct 28 19:45:34 2007 Subject: 08.05.19 Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment - ICPMSE-9 9-th International Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment - ICPMSE-9 OBJECTIVES OF THE MEETING The human race is about to set forth on a journey that will mark the beginning of a sustained human presence in the solar system. The voyages to the Moon, Mars, Venus mark only the beginning of the space exploration of our solar system. Discovery of new habitable planets and their exploration is the next logical step to the human presence in space. A thorough knowledge of the space environment around Earth, Mars, Venus and other possible candidates for landing remains therefore an important issue for the years to come. The fast development of nano-structured materials and their coatings will provide new and useful protective properties that, when applied, should enhance the life and reliability of spacecraft exposed to the factors of the space environment. In light of all these developments, the ICPMSE series of meetings became an important source of knowledge to the space environment community. Since the first meeting in 1992, the conference has grown steadily, attracting a large number of engineers, researchers, managers, and scientists from industrial companies, scientific institutions and government agencies in Canada, U.S.A., Asia, and Europe, thus becoming a true international event. With the space weather topics overlapping closely in many instances the space environment issues, the ICPMSE-9 meeting is gaining even stronger importance, attracting a large interest in interdisciplinary areas of space exploration of LEO, GEO and Deep Space. To reflect on all new developments, the program of the meeting, in addition to the traditional topics of protection of materials and structures from the atomic oxygen, VUV, and particle irradiation and thermal effects includes also such topics as micrometeoroids, space weather and relevant protection issues for travel to Moon, Mars, other planets, and Deep Space exploration. Understanding of the micrometeoroid environment is critical to the design and successful operation of spacecraft and long-term extra-terrestrial habitat. Ground-based impact testing and flight experiment results provide the empirical data required to develop and verify micrometeoroid models describing the environment, effects on materials and systems, and the performance of mitigation techniques. The common denominator for all the topics to be discussed at ICPMSE-9 is the protection of materials and structures from the effects of the space factors. The combination of a broad selection of technical and scientific topics addressed by internationally-known speakers with the charm of Toronto and the hospitality of the organizers brings participants back year after year. The upcoming ICPMSE conference is designed to: - Promote the exchange of information and experience among research organizations and scientists, gained from ground-based and flight experiments. - Provide a forum for engineers, material scientists, and management to interact and utilize each others' capabilities and - Review the latest research and development in topics covering the effects of space weather and environment on materials and structures in LEO, GEO and affecting the interplanetary travel and the exploration of the Universe. Important Dates to Remember Abstract Deadline December 27, 2007 Second Announcement January 15, 2008 Final Announcement/Program March 15, 2008 Manuscript Deadline April 1, 2008 Conference Dates May 19 23, 2008 SUGGESTED TOPICS Protection from Space Environment MIR, ISS, Hubble, NGST, etc. past, present and future needs Environmental Effects (atomic oxygen, UV and particles radiation, lunar and planetary dust, vacuum, thermal cycling, spacecraft charging) and Material Protection in LEO, GEO, and Deep Space Fundamental and Predictive Models of Interaction of Matter with Space Environment (degradation models, ageing, erosion, synergistic effects, etc.) Development, Synthesis and Modification of Materials for Protection in Space using Nano-Materials and Nano-technology principles New Materials: Ground-based and In-flight testing and characterization, development and qualification Results from MISSE missions Contamination effects: plumes, plasma, debris, outgassing, particle and molecular contamination New and existing technologies for In-Orbit inspection, maintenance and repair of materials Meteoroid/Debris Environment effects, impact modeling and mitigation techniques Influence of Space Environment (vacuum, temperature, etc.) on properties of High-Temperature materials Lunar, planetary and interplanetary environments and their influence on materials CONFERENCE FORMAT There will be no parallel sessions at the meeting. All sessions will run concurrently. Every effort will be made to accommodate as many papers as possible for oral presentations. Poster sessions will be organized and time allocated to poster viewing and discussion. ABSTRACT DEADLINE A 300 word abstract is due December 27, 2007. PROCEEDINGS AND SPECIAL ISSUE OF JSR The submitted papers will be pier-reviewed and published by Springer in the Space Technology Proceedings Series. Papers for publication in the proceedings will be due April 1, 2008. A special edition of Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets is planned with selected papers from the meeting. Further announcements will be made at the meeting. PLACE AND DATE The Conference will be held Monday, May 19 through Friday, May 23, 2008, in Toronto, Canada at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (tentative dates and place). The final duration of the meeting and its place will be established in December 2007. LANGUAGE English will be the working language of the meeting. CONFERENCE ADDRESS To receive more information, please enquire at: ICPMSE-9 Integrity Testing Laboratory, Inc. 80 Esna Park Drive, Units 7-9 Markham, Ontario, Canada, L3R 2R7 Attn.: Prof. J.I. Kleiman COMMUNICATION Tel: (905) 415-2207; Fax: (905) 415-3633 e-mail : jkleiman],[ Conference URL: Communication with participants will be by e-mail whenever possible. Website details will be announced in September 2007.NOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to ],[ to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change ],[ to @ For example: change joe],[ to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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