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Up Directory CCL 08.06.04 Schrodinger 3rd Annual Spring User Symposium, Portland, Oregon
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Dec 13 20:01:23 2007
Subject: 08.06.04 Schrodinger 3rd Annual Spring User Symposium, Portland, Oregon
Schrodinger  3rd Annual Spring User Symposium, Portland, Oregon
June 4th through 6th, 2008
Portland, Oregon. USA

Schrodinger will hold its third annual Spring User Symposium on June 4th
through 6th, 2008, in Portland, Oregon. The Symposium will consist of
two full days of scientific presentations by users of Schrodinger
software. In addition, there will also be opportunities for social
networking, hands-on training, and previews into future product

You are invited to submit an abstract for either an oral or a poster
presentation - all applicants whose abstracts are accepted for oral
presentations will have their registration fees ($600 for the full
Symposium) waived; and applicants with accepted posters will receive a 50%
discount on the registration fees.

Submissions should be e-mailed to conferences^^ by January
15th, 2008. Please include a short bio, title, and abstract. The
presentation should highlight either methods developments or scientific
applications using Schrodinger software.
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Modified: Fri Dec 14 01:01:27 2007 GMT
Page accessed 7125 times since Fri Dec 14 01:01:27 2007 GMT

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