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Up Directory CCL 08.09.10 Summer School on Molecular Modeling and Drug Design, Istanbul, Turkey
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Jan 21 10:56:13 2008
Subject: 08.09.10 Summer School on Molecular Modeling and Drug Design, Istanbul, Turkey
Summer School on  Molecular Modeling and Drug Design
10-14 September, 2008
Istanbul, Turkey

I am pleased to inform you that the Summer School on  Molecular Modeling
and Drug Design will be in Istanbul, Turkey, on 10-14 September, 2008.
This school is organized by Yeditepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy and
supported by Turkish Association of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal

The organizers invite Ph.D. students, diploma/master students as well as
young scientist at the beginning of their career in academic or
industrial drug research to participate in the Summer School on Molecular
Modeling and Drug Design at the Yeditepe University. 

Leading scientists from universities and pharmaceutical companies will
present innovative ideas, modern methods and strategies, best practices
as well as case studies in the field of Drug Design. Main topics are: 

-- Target identification and drug discovery process 

-- Modern strategies for lead finding and optimization 

-- Computer-assisted methods: 
     virtual screening, 
     structure-based design, 
     3D QSAR, 
     neuronal networks 

-- In silico ADME - Tox and metabolism

-- Cheminformatics/bioinformatics and synthetic feasibility

-- Plant protection and biocatalysis research

Confirmed key lecturers:

Gerd Folkers (Collegium Helveticum, Zurich University and ETH Zuerich,
  Switzerland )

  Hugo Kubinyi (Germany)

  Thierry Langer (University of Innsbruck, Austria) 

  Wolfgang Sippl (University of Halle, Germany) 

  Stefano Moro (University of Padova, Italy)

  Gerhard F. Ecker (University of Wien, Austria)

  Ugur Sezerman (Sabanc University, Turkey)

  Prof. Klaus-Juergen Schleifer (BASF, Germany)

Additionally, the participants are invited to present their scientific
results on posters. Language of the meeting is English.

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Dilek Demir Erol  
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul
Prof.Dr. Fethi Sahin 
(Chair of Turkish Association of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry)
Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Yarm
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy

To apply and to receive second circular,  please submit your name,
address, affiliation by E-mail to:
e-mail: summerschoolmmdd^^

Detailed information at :
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Modified: Mon Jan 21 15:56:13 2008 GMT
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