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Up Directory CCL 08.06.22 Summer School on Chemoinformatics, Obernai (near Strasbourg), France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Jan 21 20:24:10 2008
Subject: 08.06.22 Summer School on Chemoinformatics, Obernai (near Strasbourg), France
Summer School on Chemoinformatics
Obernai (near Strasbourg), France, 22-25 June 2008

I am pleased to inform you that the Summer School on Chemoinformatics will
be held in Obernai (near Strasbourg), France, on 22-25 June 2008. This
school is organized in the framework of collaboration between French Group
on Chemoinformatics, the German Society on Chemoinformatics and the
International Cheminformatics and QSAR Society.


The program of the School includes 6 half-day scientific sessions, a poster
session, software presentations and a Round Table. The following topics are
selected for the scientific program:

 - Molecular similarity and diversity analysis

 - Molecular descriptors and molecular representations

 - Machine-learning methods in chemistry

 - Building and validating QSAR models

 - Virtual screening 

 - In silico pharmacology 

The lectures will be given by J. Gasteiger (Germany), T. Fujita (Japan), V.
Gillett (UK), W. Warr (UK), R. Todeschini (Italy), J. Bajorath(Germany), G.
Schneider (Germany), R. Glen (UK), A. Tropsha (USA), T. Oprea (USA), D.
Rognan (France), G. Cruciani (Italy), J. Mestres (Spain), M. Stahl
(Switzerland), P. Ertl (Switzerland), I. Tetko (Germany) and I. Baskin

Detailed information and the registration form are available at

Welcome to Obernai !
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Modified: Tue Jan 22 01:24:12 2008 GMT
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