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Up Directory CCL 08.06.08 NATO ARW Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano-, and Macro-Dimensions, Kiev, Ukraine
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jan 23 03:02:08 2008
Subject: 08.06.08 NATO ARW Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano-, and Macro-Dimensions, Kiev, Ukraine
The NATO ARW Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano-, and 
Macro-Dimensions:  From Molecules to Water, to Nanoparticles, DNA and 
Proteins, dedicated to Alexander S. Davydovs 95th birthday, to be held 
in June 8 - 12, 2008, in Kiev, Ukraine.

The key topics of the NATO ARW are the following:

Molecular Self-Organization Processes in Micro-, Nano-, and Macro-Dimensions
Hydrogen Bonding, Water and Aqueous Solutions, and Molecular Liquids
Clusters (including gold), Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, and Nanodots
Molecular Nano-Devices
Solitons, Proton Transport
Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamics
Thin Films and Surface Phenomena
DNA, Peptides and Proteins

The chief idea and the main purpose of the planned multi-disciplinary 
Workshop is to bring together the scientists who work in the fundamental 
and applied areas of physics, chemistry, and biology from the NATO and 
Cooperation Partner Countries to share their research expertise, their 
knowledge of our many-dimensional world that manifests via the myriads of 
facets. It suffices to recall in this regard a nonlinearity-induced 
conformational dynamics of molecular complexes as a key issue in 
soft-matter physics and biophysics, effective trapping of nonlinear 
localised excitations and how they contribute to macroscopic phenomena, 
nonlinear charge and energy transport, proton conductivity through 
water-filled carbon nanotubes  many of them are rooted to the pioneering 
researches that was conducted in the 70ies and 80ies by the outstanding 
Soviet physicists and the former Director of the Bogolyubov Institute for 
Theoretical Physics Prof. Alexander S. DAVYDOV who was also well known for 
his works in nuclear physics and molecular crystals (Davydovs splitting). 
His idea of the energy transport through proteins based on the concept 
of soliton (Davydovs soliton) was widely recognized and inspired many 
studies in France, Germany, Denmark, U. K., U. S A., Greece, Israel, Japan, 
Italy, and China. 
Another facets that we meet downshifting from a macroscopic scale to the 
nano one are the extraordinary catalytic properties of gold micro- and 
nanoparticles that have been confirmed by countless experiments, 
applications of nanoparticles in the biophysical and biomedical sciences, 
and in biotechnology, particularly including biosensors, DNA transfection,
 enzyme encapsulation, and drug delivery, the surface-functionalized 
nanoparticles, nanotubes, etc.
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