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Up Directory CCL 08.09.21 Euro-QSAR 2008 Omics Technologies & Systems Biology, Uppsala, Sweden
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 13 14:33:53 2008
Subject: 08.09.21 Euro-QSAR 2008 Omics Technologies & Systems Biology, Uppsala, Sweden
The 17th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity 
Relationships & Omics Technologies and Systems Biology will be held
on the 21-26 September 2008 at the Uppsala Concert & Congress Hall, 
Uppsala, Sweden.

Official website

The following topics will be covered during the symposium:
Case Studies in Drug Discovery
Combinatorial Chemistry and Virtual Screening
Emerging Technologies
Experimental design in QSAR
Molecular Modelling and Chemical Properties
QSAR in Chemical Risk Assessment
QSAR in Natural Product Medicine
QSAR in Omics
QSAR in System Biology
QSAR in Toxicology and Environmental Research

Confirmed invited speakers:
Martin van den Berg, University of Utrecht, Netherlands 
Gabriele Cruciani, University of Perugia, Italy
Yvonne Martin, Abbot Laboratories, USA 
Jeremy Nicholson, Imperial College, United Kingdom
Ann Richard, FDA, USA
Rebecca Wade, Heidenberg, Germany 
Jia Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Svante Wold, Umea University & Umetrics
David Winkler, CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies, Australia

All participants are kindly invited to submit their contributions. 
Authors should indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation. 
All papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee, who will decide 
upon acceptance and form of presentation. The abstract deadline 
is 15th May 2008.

Scientific description 
Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) represent an attempt
to quantitatively correlate structural or property descriptors of 
compounds with activity. Physicochemical descriptors such as 
hydrophobicity, topology, electronic properties, steric effects, etc are 
determined empirically or by computational methods. Activities used in QSAR
include biological activity and chemical reactivity; these are applied in
disciplines such as drug design and environmental risk assessment. QSAR can
then be used for prediction of response of new chemical structures. 

Omics technologies: 
Sequencing of the human genome has revolutionized biology and led to a 
variety of omics technologies and bioinformatics tools enabling us to study
the expression of genes, proteins, metabolites, and more. The word omics 
refers to the comprehensive analysis of a defined biological system, where
for example proteomics aim at analysing all proteins of a well-defined 
system. Other types of omics are for example metabolomics, genomics, 
lipidomics and transcriptomics. Omics technologies both have an impact on 
our understanding of biological processes, and are valuable tools in 
biomarker discovery.

Systems Biology: 
Systems biology means holistic modelling of a biological system to describe
all the processes in a cell or organism and how they interact. This is a 
highly interdisciplinary process which is both experimental and 
computational, and include knowledge from the fields biology, computer 
simulations, statistics (bioinformatics), automatic control engineering, 
physics, mathematics, chemistry, and medicine.

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Modified: Wed Feb 13 19:33:53 2008 GMT
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