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Up Directory CCL 08.08.03 2008 Summer Symposium, International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Coburg, Germany
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Feb 22 22:33:05 2008
Subject: 08.08.03 2008 Summer Symposium, International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Coburg, Germany
International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC)
2008 Summer Symposium
August 03-06, Coburg, Germany

Call for papers

Submissions are invited for the 12th ISPC Symposium hosted at
Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, Germany.

The organizers welcome papers from philosophers, scientists,
historians and educators of chemistry and others from related
fields. Although no pertinent aspect of philosophy of chemistry
will be excluded in general, contributions regarding the
philosophical interrelations of chemistry and physics on the one
hand, and chemistry and biology on the other are particularly welcome.

There will be no conference fee.

Please submit your abstract for the symposium and send all related
questions to the local organizer Klaus Ruthenberg at
Please make sure by the diligent set-up of the structure and content
of your abstract that the members of the Scientific Board of the ISPC )
can tell whether or not your submission meets the requirements.
The general structure  of your abstract should address the following points:
Problem Outline/ Methodology/Results/Interpretation. Please mention
up to three specific references. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

Deadline for abstracts is April 20, 2008. The provisional program
of the symposium will be published on May 5, 2008.
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Modified: Sat Feb 23 03:33:05 2008 GMT
Page accessed 6164 times since Sat Feb 23 03:33:05 2008 GMT

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