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Up Directory CCL 08.03.11 Molecular Modelling: Tools, GUIs and Visualisation, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 28 00:17:12 2008
Subject: 08.03.11 Molecular Modelling: Tools, GUIs and Visualisation, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK
Molecular Modelling: Tools, GUIs and Visualisation
11th - 13th March 2008
Holiday Inn in Runcorn, Cheshire, UK

This is to announce a CCP1 meeting looking at graphical interfaces, 
visualisation and tools for molecular modelling in general, but with the 
focus towards electronic structure.

There are a large number of graphical interfaces and associated tools 
for working with electronic structure and molecular mechanics/dynamics 
codes in use in the computational chemistry community today. Many of 
these tools do similar jobs, but all have their own specialities, 
strengths and weaknesses.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together the developers and users of 
these tools to:

- raise awareness of the existing software tools and capabilities.
- allow users to give the developers feedback on what is needed and 
which areas are not being sufficiently covered.
- explore novel ways of visualising molecular data and other tasks.
- provide an opportunity to discuss collaborations.

We already have speakers confirmed from projects including OpenBabel, 
Avogadro, Molekel, Molpro, cclib, GaussSum, The CCP1GUI, GAMESS, and 

The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn in Runcorn, Cheshire, from 
11th-13th March (starting after lunch on the 11th and running through to 
lunch on the 13th). The afternoon of the 13th will be reserved for 
developers to run tutorials/practicals at Daresbury Laboratory.

We still have some slots available for speakers, so if you are a code 
developer or user, and would be interested in speaking, then please 

For registration information, please visit the meeting webpage at:

We look forward to seeing you in March!
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Modified: Thu Feb 28 05:17:13 2008 GMT
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