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Up Directory CCL 08.09.12 Protein Structure and Mechanics, Shanghai, Sept 12-13 2008
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Mar 17 09:20:21 2008
Subject: 08.09.12 Protein Structure and Mechanics, Shanghai, Sept 12-13 2008
we proudly announce a meeting on:
"Protein Structure and Mechanics"
Computational approaches and methodological advances to assess
structural and mechanical properties of proteins
to be held in Shanghai from Sept 12-13
which is worthwile to come over for - from near and far.

The reasons are
- a great list of speakers (below)
- an intensive 2-day programme in an informal atmosphere with lots of
options for stimulating discussions
- the option to contribute a poster
- a phantastic venue in the heart of Shanghai
- no conference fee
- the post-meeting trip

Robert L. Jernigan Iowa State University (confirmed)
Helmut Grubmueller MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen (confirmed)
Dave Thirumalai University of Maryland (confirmed)
Bruce Berne Columbia University, New York
David Chandler UC Berkeley
Klaus Schulten UIUC (confirmed)
Guanghong Wei Fudan University, Shanghai (confirmed)
Lai Luhua Beijing University
Hualiang Jiang Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
Gerhard Hummer NIH, Bethesda (confirmed)
Lennart Nilsson Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (confirmed)
Angel Garcia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (confirmed)
Bertrand Garcia-Moreno John Hopkins University(confirmed)
Ruth Nussinov Tel Aviv University
Klaus Gerwert University of Bochum (confirmed)

Jianpeng Ma, Frauke Graeter
Fudan University and Partner Institute for Computational Biology
Max-Planck Society and Chinese Academy of Sciences

Check the website:
for details and registration.

With best wishes, and looking forward to welcoming you in Shanghai
Frauke and Jianpeng
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Modified: Mon Mar 17 13:20:21 2008 GMT
Page accessed 6142 times since Mon Mar 17 13:19:07 2008 GMT

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