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Up Directory CCL 08.06.08 QSAR2008 13th International Workshop on QSARs in the Environmental Sciences, Syracuse, NY
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Mar 31 20:41:08 2008
Subject: 08.06.08 QSAR2008 13th International Workshop on QSARs in the Environmental Sciences, Syracuse, NY
The 13th International Workshop 
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs) 
in the Environmental Sciences.

June 8 - 12, 2008
Syracuse, New York

International Workshops on QSARs in the Environmental Sciences,
has been at the forefront of developments in predictive methods 
since the first Workshop was held in 1983.  It is now a highly
anticipated biennial event and is returning to North America after 
most recently being held in Lyon, France and Liverpool, England.  
The theme for the workshop (Credibility  Purpose  Opportunity) 
highlights both the importance of QSARs in addressing environmental 
issues in a changing world and the challenges that lie ahead.

The International Workshop series has become an important forum for
the early dissemination of all aspects of qualitative and
quantitative structure-activity research and application. Over the
last few decades, the QSAR discipline has emerged as a major
scientific methodology to aid in our understanding of the behavior
of chemicals in the environment as well as their potential to
express adverse affects. The International QSAR Workshops, listed
below, have been a significant contributor to this progress.

Sunday, June 8th
3:00 p.m.
Introductory remarks
Phil Howard and Jay Tunkel, Workshop Organizers

Opening Session
Keynote speakers
    * History of the QSAR Workshops
      Klaus Kaiser, Principal Investigator, TerraBase, Inc.

    * Credibility
      Al Leo, Pomona College and BioByte Corporation

    * Opportunity
      Terry Schultz, Emeritus Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine,
      The University of Tennessee

5:30 p.m.
Opening Social
Dinner provided

Monday, June 9th - PURPOSE
Morning Session

Lunch (provided)

Afternoon Session
Topics anticipated to include:
    * Physical/chemical properties
    * Environmental fate parameters
    * Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation
    * Multiple model batteries

Poster Session (posters will be available through the duration
of the Workshop)

Tuesday June 10th - PURPOSE
Morning Session
Topics anticipated to include:

    * Ecotoxicity
    * Human health endpoints
    * New and novel endpoints

Lunch (provided)

Afternoon Social Excursions
Attendees will have the afternoon free for socializing and scientific
discussion.  A number of optional organized excursions around Syracuse
and Central New York will be available at the time of registration.
Excursions under consideration include:

    * Finger Lakes wineries tour and wine tasting
    * Gambling at the Turning Stone resort
    * Golf (all skill levels)
    * Hiking on the Finger Lakes trail

Wednesday, June 11th - CREDIBILITY
Morning Session

Lunch (provided)

Afternoon Session
Topics to include:
    * Validation
    * Predictive accuracy
    * Study design and data quality
    * Modeling methods
    * Applicability

Workshop Banquet (optional - $70/person)
A highly anticipated tradition at the QSAR Workshops.
Social hour, dinner, and the annual award ceremony.

Thursday, June 12th - OPPORTUNITY
Morning Session

Lunch (provided)         

QSAR 2010 announcement and presentation

Afternoon Session
Topics to include:

    * Regulatory use of QSARs
    * Data sources
    * Emerging technologies
    * The expanding user base

Closing remarks

Friday, June 13th  -  POST-WORKSHOP EVENTS
Niagara Falls tour
Visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World in an organized bus tour
that will leave from the Workshop hotel.  Available at the time 
of registration. Note: Visas may be required to view to falls 
rom the Canadian side.
Serious golf
An informal outing to one of the more challenging golf courses in 
the Syracuse area (many of which were designed by Robert Trent Jones).
Sign-up available at registration, final plans arranged informally with 
those participating.

Philip Howard
Syracuse Research Corporation, Syracuse, New York, United States of America

Jay Tunkel
Syracuse Research Corporation, Syracuse, New York, United States of America

Steering Committee:
James Devillers
CTIS, Lyon, France

Mark Cronin
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Roger Breton
Intrinsik Environmental Sciences Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Abstract Submission:
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Modified: Tue Apr 1 00:41:08 2008 GMT
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