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Up Directory CCL 08.07.21 eCheminfo Hands-on Drug Discovery Workshop in Oxford
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Apr 4 06:57:44 2008
Subject: 08.07.21 eCheminfo Hands-on Drug Discovery Workshop in Oxford
The 5 Day eCheminfo Hands-on Drug Discovery Workshop Week will take
place this year 21-25 July 2008 at the Medical Sciences Teaching Center,
Oxford University, Oxford, UK. Topics to be covered include Virtual
Screening & Docking; Structure-based Drug Design; Ligand Optimisation &
Library Design; Structure Search, Similarity and Property Estimation;
Data Mining, Analysis & Visualisation; Pharmacophore Modelling for Lead
Identification; Fragment-based Drug Design; QSAR-based Predictive
Toxicology; and Quantitative Spectrometric Data-Activity Relationship

These workshops are aimed to provide a set of stimulating workshops
using latest advanced modelling techniques of relevance to chemists,
life scientists and modellers working in drug discovery. The workshop
group studies problems with hands-on examples using leading-edge
software and discusses complex issues highlighted by examples and case
studies presented by instructors. A variety of leading drug discovery
software packages and an IT classroom are used by instructors and
participants to work through problems.

A Bursary Award sponsored by Tripos will be used to support the
attendance of one academic participant, who may be working in any area
of research related to drug discovery. To apply for the bursary please
send an email with a) description of your research (ca. 500 words); b)
your training needs (ca. 500 words), c) your CV to echeminfo -[at]- by 15 April 2008. The recipient of the award will be
selected based on an evaluation of the quality and innovation of the
described research and the potential positive impact of the training on
their research progress and will be notified by 30 April. We gratefully
acknowledge the sponsorship support of Tripos.

More Information:

Barry Hardy PhD
eCheminfo Community of Practice
Douglas Connect
+41 61 851 0170
barry.hardy -(at)-
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Modified: Fri Apr 4 10:57:44 2008 GMT
Page accessed 6142 times since Fri Apr 4 10:53:07 2008 GMT

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