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Up Directory CCL 08.08.11 Coarse-Grained Physical Modeling of Biological Systems
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Apr 7 15:03:10 2008
Subject: 08.08.11 Coarse-Grained Physical Modeling of Biological Systems

NSF Center for Theoretical Biological Physics

University of California at San Diego

Summer School, August 11-15, 2008

Coarse-Grained Physical Modeling of Biological Systems:

Advanced Theory and Methods

Applications are invited for CTBP’s 2008 Summer School, to be held on the UCSD campus in La Jolla, California, from August 11 through August 15, 2008. The school will focus on theory and computational methods for multiscale modeling and simulation of biological systems from the molecular to subcellular levels. Particular topics to be included are continuum models of solvation including Poisson-Boltzmann and newer variational methods for integrated treatment of polar and apolar interactions, Brownian dynamics simulations, fully-continuum models of diffusion including Smoluchowski and Poisson-Nernst-Planck, and applications of these methods. Mornings will typically include lectures by experts in these areas, and afternoons will include computational tutorials and time for work on individual or collaborative projects. The level of the course is intended for graduate students, postdocs, and more senior scientists with some experience in biological physics, but dedicated newcomers will benefit as well.

For further information, contact Dr. Christopher Smith, or visit the website

The workshop is free (housing, meals materials, etc.) for all invited participants. Review of applicants will begin May 30, with a final application deadline of June 15.

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Modified: Mon Apr 7 19:03:10 2008 GMT
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