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From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Thu Apr 10 15:08:54 2008 Subject: 08.09.11 7th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, VENICE, ITALY 7th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY (EUCO-CC7) You are invited to participate in the 7th European Conference on Computational Chemistry (EUCO-CC7) to be held in San Servolo, Venice, Italy from September 11 to September 15, 2008. European Conferences on Computational Chemistry are organized by the Division of Computational Chemistry of the European Chemical Society (EuCheMS). EUCO-CC7 is a satellite meeting to the 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress which will take place September 16-20 2008 in Torino, Italy. The Conference is organized in cooperation with the Societa Chimica Italiana through its Computational Chemistry Interdivisional Group and with the Department of Chemistry of the Universita degli Studi di Padova. The Conference is Organized in Seven Sessions: A) quantum chemistry ab initio methods B) classical and statistical approaches, C) computational applications for materials science, D) computational application for bio-sciences, E) new computational technologies, F) poster session G) educational and training session. The Plenary Lectures include: Vincenzo Barone, University of Naples Florian Müller-Plathe, Darmstadt University of Technology Per Sieghban, Stockholm University Georg Kresse, University of Wien Charles Loomis, LAL, Orsay Participants wishing to present an oral communication or a poster presentation are invited to submit a one-page abstract. Accomodation will be provided in San Servolo, a small island of the Laguna di Venezia, which can be easyly reached from Piazza S. Marco by public boat (vaporetto). Support for Younger Scientists A reduced subscription fee, comprehensive of loding and meal expenses will be available for younger scientists. A number of travel grants will also be awarded to to students, expecially at the Ph.D. level, to encourage them to present their research in the stimulating context of EUCO-CC7. EuCheMS 2008 EUCO-CC7 is a satellite event of the 2nd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress to be held in Turin, Italy from September 16 to September 20, 2008. A shuttle will be provided for CC7 participants attending EuCheMS 2008, for direct transfer from Venice to Torino. Contact Information Antonino Polimeno Department of Chemistry Universita degli Studi di Padova Via Marzolo 1 - 35131 Padova, Italy E-mail: antonino.polimeno]|[unipd.itNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to ]|[ to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change ]|[ to @ For example: change joe]|[ to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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Modified: Thu Apr 10 19:08:54 2008 GMT |
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