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Up Directory CCL 08.06.02 Mathematical/Computational Aspects of Electronic Structure Calculation, Edmonton, Canada
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Apr 14 14:18:49 2008
Subject: 08.06.02 Mathematical/Computational Aspects of Electronic Structure Calculation, Edmonton, Canada
Odyssey 2008: International Conference
Odyssey of Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Molecular Electronic Structure Calculation

Campus Saint-Jean
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
June 2-5, 2008

Call for Abstract Submission and Registration:
Abstract deadline: April 10, 2008 (EXTENDED until April 25th)
Early-bird registration deadline: May 2, 2008

We are pleased to announce and to invite you to attend the Odyssey 2008. This interdisciplinary 
international conference on the application of advanced mathematical and computational 
techniques, as they interface with theoretical chemistry, is organized by the University of Alberta's 
Campus Saint-Jean.

Confirmed invited speakers: M. P. Barnett, C. Brezinski, P. R. Graves-Morris, T. Helgaker, 
P. G. Mezey, M. Nooijen, J. Paldus, E. J. Weniger, T. Ziegler, Ronald Cools 

It is the primary intention of this conference to present mathematical and computational techniques 
that are not yet so very well known, but which nevertheless will have a considerable impact on 
the way we will conduct research in (theoretical) chemistry. The conference will also serve as a 
kind of  "etats generaux" on the state of inter-disciplinary integration of Mathematics with other 
disciplines and it should provide directions for future research programs and collaboration.

We are planning to publish extended abstracts (up to two pages each) of all invited talks and 
poster presentations. Original scientific contributions will be published in a special issue of the 
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Submitted papers will be subject to the journal's 
standard referee procedures.

For more information and registration, visit our conference Web site at
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Modified: Mon Apr 14 18:18:49 2008 GMT
Page accessed 6161 times since Mon Apr 14 18:18:50 2008 GMT

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