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Up Directory CCL 08.07.07 Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics - Summer School, Vienna, Austria
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Apr 21 13:28:03 2008
Subject: 08.07.07 Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics - Summer School, Vienna, Austria
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the Summer School 
``Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics: Foundations and Application to 
Photo-Biological Questions``, which will take place in Vienna, Austria, 
from July 7 to 12, 2008.

Experts from different fields will lecture on specific topics, which 
include excited-state dynamics simulations, excited-state quantum 
chemistry, and hybrid methods. Additionally, intensive computational 
training on mixed quantum-classical dynamics simulation methods will 
be provided.

The School is aimed at graduate students holding some basis on quantum 
chemistry. The dead line for registration is May 31. The number of 
participants is limited.

Gerrit Groenhof - Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Hans Lischka - University of Vienna
Irene Burghardt - Ecole Normale Superieure
John C. Tully - Yale University
Marcus Elstner - Technical University Braunschweig
Mario Barbatti - University of Vienna
Maurizio Persico - University of Pisa
Paul Sherwood - Daresbury Laboratory
Petr Slavicek - Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
Werner Fuss - Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics

Mario Barbatti - University of Vienna
Hans Lischka - University of Vienna
Maurizio Persico - University of Pisa
John C. Tully - Yale University

More information:

We look forward to seeing you in Vienna,

Mario Barbatti, on behalf of the organizers
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Modified: Mon Apr 21 17:28:04 2008 GMT
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