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Up Directory CCL 08.09.26 Symposium on Structural and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Clusters (ICCMSE2008)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Jun 13 10:49:41 2008
Subject: 08.09.26 Symposium on Structural and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Clusters (ICCMSE2008)
The symposium on Structural and Electronic properties of semiconductor clusters
(symposium 2) is part of the International Conference in Computational Methods in
Science and Engineering 2008 - ICCMSE 2008
ICCMSE 2008 will take place in Hotel Belvedere Imperial, Hersonissos,
Crete, Greece , 25 - 30 September 2008

In this workshop all fundamental points and issues on the field of
semiconductor clusters will be addressed and the recent progress and
current research will be examined and reviewed.
Special emphasis will be placed on:
   * Simple and mixed (elemental and complex) clusters free or deposited
   * Doped and embedded clusters and cages
   * Nanoclusters and Nanocrystals
   * Model clusters, as real space models of larger (nano)systems
Organizer: Aristides D. Zdetsis, Department of Physics, University of
Patras, Greece.
    E-mail address: zdetsis*o*

All papers on related subjects are welcome: from basic theory to
computational studies. Please send queries and contributions to the
Organizer. The contributed papers (3-4 pages) will be published as a
collection in the Proceedings Volume (to be published by the American
Institute of Physics) and must be prepared according to the specific
instructions given at 
Selected papers will be further considered for publication in 
additional journals which will be announced later.

   Aristides D. Zdetsis,Prof.,
   Head Molecular Engineering Group
   Division of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
   Department of Physics, University of Patras
   26500, Patra, Greece
   e-mail: zdetsis*o*
   tel.: (+30) 2610 997458
   fax:  (+30) 2610 997458
   secretary: (+30) 2610 997444, (+30) 2610 997729
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Modified: Fri Jun 13 14:49:41 2008 GMT
Page accessed 6361 times since Fri Jun 13 14:48:27 2008 GMT

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