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Up Directory CCL 09.02.21 Novel Materials and superconductors, Planneralm, Austria
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Aug 5 23:06:12 2008
Subject: 09.02.21 Novel Materials and superconductors, Planneralm, Austria
Novel Materials and superconductors

February 21 - February 28, 2009

Universitaetssportheim Planneralm, Austria

Sponsored by Vienna University of Technology

Prof. Karlheinz Schwarz
Institute for Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology
A-1060 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9/165-TC, Austria

Programme committee:
C. Ambrosch-Draxl       B. Batlogg      S. Bühler-Paschen
G. Hilscher             P. Knoll        F. Kubel
W. Lang                 K. Schwarz      P. Weinberger

The workshop will take place February 21 - 28, 2009, i.e. from Saturday
to Saturday.
Plenary lectures

    * Bianca Mladek, G.Kahl, C.N.Likos, P.Charbonneau, D.Frenkel (TU Wien)
      Excotic structures formed by soft materials
    * Sergey G. Ovchinnikov (Russ. Acad. Sc. Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
      Electronic structure and mechanisms of high temperature superconductivity
    * Walter Pötz (Uni.Graz)
      Pulse propagation and entanglement generation between two distant
      quantum dot cavities
    * --> Guenther Rupprechter (TU Wien)
      Catalysis and the Nobel prize in chemistry for Gerhard Ertl

Evening sessions


Social evening


The number of participants is limited to 65.
At present there are still 65 open places.
Please register online as soon as possible.
Accompanying persons should register too.
Participation for the entire workshop is highly desirable.
Conference Fee & Funding for Austrian Students

Social events:
We invite all the artistic participants to suggest a non-scientific
presentation for one of the evenings, like the one we had at the last years.
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Modified: Wed Aug 6 03:06:12 2008 GMT
Page accessed 7328 times since Wed Aug 6 03:01:35 2008 GMT

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