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Up Directory CCL 08.12.11 Ab Initio Modelling in Applied Biosciences: Structure, Dynamics and Function
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Aug 7 11:40:34 2008
Subject: 08.12.11 Ab Initio Modelling in Applied Biosciences: Structure, Dynamics and Function
Ab Initio Modelling in Applied Biosciences: 
Structure, Dynamics and Function
Uppsala University, December 11-12th, 2008

Quantum mechanical interactions at the atomic scale often 
dictate biological processes those are extremely complex 
in nature. This is particularly important for applied biosciences 
(bionanotechnology, pharmacology) where theoretical methods based on 
quantum mechanics are being used with increasing success.

The integration of different electronic-structure methods with various 
levels of approximations allows us to analyze experimental results and 
also to predict properties with reasonable accuracies. This workshop will 
bring in experts in the field of applied biological sciences to interact, 
exchange and compare the various methodologies and show the 
potentialities and the limitation of state-of-the art 
quantum-mechanics-based computational techniques.

Emphasis will be given on topics and approaches for which direct contact 
with experiments can be made. Also, this workshop will serve as an 
excellent platform for the training of Ph.D. students, postdocs and 
early stage young researchers.

Bursaries are available for for PhD students within Europe.


Dr. P. M. Panchmatia, University of Bath, U.K. / Dept. of Physics and 
Materials Science, Uppsala University (pooja.panchmatia<at>

Dr. B. Sanyal, Department of Physics and Materials Science, 
Uppsala University, Sweden (biplab.sanyal<at>

Prof. P. M. Oppeneer, Department of Physics and Materials Science, 
Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. O. Eriksson, Department of Physics and Materials Science, 
Uppsala University, Sweden

Dr A. Magistrato, CNR-INFM-Democritos and SISSA, Trieste, Italy.

Prof. P. Carloni SISSA and CNR-INFM-Democritos,Trieste, Italy

The workshop is financed by the

Centre for Dynamical Processes (CDP), Uppsala University,

Psi-K, SimBioMa and

CNR-INFM-Democritos National Simulation Center
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