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Up Directory CCL 08.10.31 17th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, MS
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Sep 2 15:13:11 2008
Subject: 08.10.31 17th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, MS
We are pleased to announce and to invite you to attend the 17th Conference 
on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC). This symposium, 
organized by Jackson State University, covers all areas of computational 
chemistry as well as quantum chemistry. This year the 17th CCTCC will be 
held at the Hilton Jackson Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi on October 31 - 
November 1, 2008. A banquet is scheduled for the Saturday evening and a 
dinner and reception for Friday.

Conference website:
Flyer: (1.8mb)

The format consists of a series of (invited) plenary lectures and poster 
presentations on Friday and Saturday covering applications as well as 
theory. As suggested by Professor Pople, several years ago we inaugurated 
a tradition for the second decade of our conferences. Starting with the 
11th CCTCC each meeting is featuring a talk named after eminent 
computational chemists. This year the seventh presentation in this series 
will be given by Professor William A. Lester, Jr from the University of 
California, Berkeley.

List of invited speakers:
Maria Barysz, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
Tim Clark, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg 
Ernest R. Davidson, University of Washington
Magdolna Hargittai, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
So Hirata, University of Florida
Walter Kohn, University of California, Santa Barbara
William A. Lester, University of California, Berkeley
Vincent Meunier, Oak Ridge National Lab
Michel Mons, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France
Ruth Pachter, US Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Edward J. Perkins, US Army Engineering Research and Development Center
Oleg Prezhdo, University of Washington
G. Narahari Sastry, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, India
Jorge Seminario, Texas A & M University
Priya Vashishta, University of Southern California

We are planning to publish extended abstracts (up to four pages each) 
of all invited talks and poster presentations. For more information and 
registration, visit our conference Web site at

Jerzy Leszczynski
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
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Modified: Tue Sep 2 19:13:11 2008 GMT
Page accessed 7527 times since Tue Sep 2 19:11:02 2008 GMT

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