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Up Directory CCL 09.01.06 Biomolecular Simulation 2009, York, UK
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Oct 24 10:32:41 2008
Subject: 09.01.06 Biomolecular Simulation 2009, York, UK
Biomolecular Simulation 2009 - the third annual meeting of the Collaborative 
Computational Project for Biomolecular Simulation (CCPB) - will be held at 
the Yorkshire Museum and Gardens in York, from Tuesday 6th till Thursday 8th 
January 2009.

Biomolecular Simulation 2009 is not just for experts in the field: the aim is
 to provide a forum where everyone interested in applying biomolecular 
simulation techniques to their work can get practical information to enhance 
their research. With the support of the BBSRC, the conference represents 
extremely good value for money, with generous subsidies particularly for 
UK-based academics and students.

Invited speakers include:
Nathan Baker
Paolo Carloni
Peter Tieleman
Jed Pitera
Andrew Leach

For more information see: or email 

CCPB will also be running a Specialised Training Workshop on Electrostatics 
Calulations, as a satellite to this meeting. The workshop will take place at 
the University of York on Friday 9th January 2009. More details can be found 
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Modified: Fri Oct 24 14:32:44 2008 GMT
Page accessed 6036 times since Fri Oct 24 14:32:45 2008 GMT

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