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Up Directory CCL 09.04.22 OpenEye's Annual European Molecular Modeling Meeting, EuroCUP III, Toledo, Spain
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Dec 9 03:28:44 2008
Subject: 09.04.22 OpenEye's Annual European Molecular Modeling Meeting, EuroCUP III, Toledo, Spain
Dear Colleague,

After Sheffield in 2007, and Strasbourg in 2008, OpenEye will hold its 3rd
Annual European Molecular Modeling Meeting in the World Heritage city of
Toledo, Spain, on April 22-24, 2009. We anticipate the four EuroCUP III
Main Sessions to cover:

  * Shape and Electrostatics
  * QSAR: Is it Worth it?
  * Fragment Design: Good Idea or the Latest Blind Alley?
  * Databases and Data Sources for Molecular Modeling

There are speaking slots available and also poster exhibitions. ** NOTE THAT
So if you would like to contribute or attend please follow the link below.

We are delighted that Professor Dr. Juergen Bajorath has agreed to give the
Allocution entitled: "The role of journals in computational chemistry".

In addition to the Main Sessions, we will hold a half-day Toolkit Session,
where OpenEye toolkit users will have the opportunity to share some of their
work. An OpenEye Training Workshop on Python/OEChem will also be available
on April 21st for those interested in programming (limited to 10 trainees!).

As always, except for the training, there is no registration cost for the
meeting. Attendees need only cover travel and accommodation.

We very much hope you will be able to join us in Toledo!

With kind regards,

Vincent Vivien
Director of European Accounts
OpenEye Scientific Software
Office: +33 389 589 544

EuroCUP III details below. Also available from OpenEye website at

  * Tue, April 21st (9:30am - 6pm): Training on Python/OEChem (10 trainees!)
  * Wed, April 22nd (9:30am - 1pm): Toolkit Session
  * Wed, April 22nd (3:00pm) to Fri, April 24th (12:30pm): Main Sessions

  * Abstract submission deadline for talks: February 13th, 2009.
  * Abstract submission deadline for posters: March 27th, 2009.
  * Registration deadline: April 10th, 2009. Because of the limited number
  of rooms available at the conference hotel however, it is likely that
  these will be filled well before that date. So please register early!

The location of the meeting and official hotel is the Parador Toledo.

You do NOT need to book the hotel yourself, OpenEye will make the
reservation for you with the info you will provide in the registration form.

Those flying will want to aim for Madrid Bajaras International Airport (MAD).
OpenEye will organize a shuttle service from the airport directly to the
conference hotel (about 1 hour's travel time). Please let us know about
your arrival and departure time at MAD so that we can schedule the shuttle
service to minimize waiting time.

You may also use taxis and public transportation from MAD to Toledo,
although it will require going through Madrid, which is not as convenient.

Except for the Python/OEChem training, the cost only covers delegates'
accommodation, full board with wine tasting / conference dinner, and
shuttle service to and from airport.

  * Python/OEChem Training (1 night / 1 day): 600 EUR (prepayment required!)      
  * Toolkit Session (1 night / 0.5 day): 250 EUR
  * Main EuroCUP III Sessions (2 nights, 2 days): 550 EUR

Payments covering the Toolkit session and Main EuroCUP III sessions will be
made directly to the hotel upon checkout, together with any incidentals,
unless prior arrangement has been made with EuroCUP organizers.

Please see the registration form for details of what's included, as well as
pricing options for local delegates.

A limited number of student bursaries are available for poster presentations.
These will cover the costs associated with attendance to the Main EuroCUP III
Sessions, i.e. the accommodation, full board and transportation to and from
MAD airport using the shuttle service. For consideration, please use the
registration form to submit your poster abstract and use the comments field
to precise that you are applying for a student bursary.
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Modified: Tue Dec 9 08:28:44 2008 GMT
Page accessed 7630 times since Mon Dec 8 17:02:20 2008 GMT

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