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Up Directory CCL 09.05.20 Central Regional Meeting of the ACS, Cleveland, OH
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Dec 31 22:39:46 2008
Subject: 09.05.20 Central Regional Meeting of the ACS, Cleveland, OH
2009 Central Regional Meeting of the ACS Announces Call for Papers
May 20-23, 2009

The Cleveland Section of the American Chemical Society invites you to
the 2009 Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society,
CERMACS 2009, at the historic Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland,
Ohio, May 20-23, 2009.  This event is being co-sponsored by the
Electrochemical Society, the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, the
American Vacuum Society, the Yeager Center for Electrochemical
Sciences, and Case Western Reserve University. Abstracts will be
accepted from January 17, 2009 through March 16, 2009 (see information

The theme for CERMACS 2009 is Meeting Energy & Environmental Challenges
Through Functional Materials.  In addition to the traditional symposia
on Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry, the meeting
organizers are planning symposia on:

--  Energy Storage and Energy Conversion

--  Functional Materials

--  General Catalysis

--  Women in Electrochemistry

--  Chemical Education

--  Chemical Biology

--  Medicinal Chemistry

--  Art and Science

--  Forensic Science

--  Computational Chemistry

--  Environmental Chemistry

--  Health Impact of Nanomaterials

--  Lunar Regolith and Simulants

--  100 Years of Chemistry in Cleveland


CERMACS 2009 is pleased to announce three keynote speakers for the
technical program, Professor Charles M. Lieber of Harvard University,
Professor Daniel G. Nocera of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, and Dr. Linda Abraham-Silver of the Great Lakes Science
Center.  The Cleveland Section will continue four decades of tradition
by presenting the Morley Medal for 2009 at the Morley Award Symposium. 
The Morley Medal recognizes significant contributions to chemistry
through achievements in research, teaching, engineering, research
administration and public service, outstanding service to humanity or
to industrial progress.  Workshops and short courses are planned.  The
undergraduate program will include an undergraduate research poster
session as well as networking opportunities.  Contact information for
symposia chairs and details regarding this event can be found at the
CERMACS 2009 website,


In addition to the technical program, CERMACS 2009 will include an
opening mixer and an awards banquet where the following awards will be

--  The Stanley C. Israel Regional Award For Advancing Diversity in the
    Chemical Sciences

--  The ACS Division of Chemical Education Central Regional Award for
    Excellence in High School Teaching

--  The E. Ann Nalley Central Regional Award for Volunteer Service to
    the American Chemical Society

--  The Regional Industrial Innovation Award

Special meeting rates have been arranged at the Renaissance Cleveland
Hotel, 24 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio  44106.  For reservations,
call (216) 696-5600 and ask for the ACS rate.  General Chair:
CERMACS09:  Prof. Daniel A. Scherson,daniel.scherson]*[, (216)
368 5186. Program Chair: Dr. Kenneth Street ,
Kenneth.W.Street]*[, (216) 433-5032. Exposition: Amir Zaman, 
sponsorship]*[, (609) 737-1902 x103.
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Modified: Thu Jan 1 03:39:46 2009 GMT
Page accessed 7562 times since Thu Jan 1 03:39:47 2009 GMT

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