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Up Directory CCL 09.04.27 Computational Chemistry, Bio-IT World Expo 2009 * Boston, MA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 11 14:37:30 2009
Subject: 09.04.27 Computational Chemistry, Bio-IT World Expo 2009 * Boston, MA
This conference is the one time every year when life science and IT professionals from all over the world gather to learn about 
their profession and share insights with their colleagues.  The return on your investment is substantial.  This year's 
Computational Chemistry track has been purposely designed around what the community considers the most important 
issues and areas of discussion. Please take a look at this year's faculty and sessions and join us in Boston in April.

This year's Computational Chemistry track has a new focus and a faculty of thought leaders from pharma, biotech, academia, and 
research institutes:

- Andreas Bender, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Medicinal Chemistry Division, Leiden / Amsterdam Center for Drug Research
- Derek Debe, Ph.D., Senior Group Leader, Scientific Informatics and Automation, Abbott Laboratories
- David DeCaprio, Ph.D., Associate Platform Director for Chemical Biology and Novel Therapeutics, Broad Institute
- Meir Glick, Ph.D., Research Investigator II, Lead Discovery Informatics, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
- Rajarshi Guha, PhD, Visiting Assistant Professor, Informatics, Indiana University 
- Anton Hopfinger, Ph.D., Professor, University of New Mexico, Editor, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
- Professor Andrew L. Hopkins, D.Phil., FRSC, SULSA Research Professor, Translational Biology & Chair, Medicinal Informatics
Division, University of Dundee 
- Jeremy L. Jenkins, Ph.D., Research Investigator, Lead Discovery Informatics, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research 
- Peter Murray-Rust, Ph.D., University of Cambridge 
- David Nunn, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist, ChemInformatics, Wyeth Research 
- Christopher Southan, Ph.D., EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) 
- Susie Stephens, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist, Eli Lilly & Co    
- Antony Williams, Ph.D., Founder, ChemZoo, Inc.; Host, ChemSpider 
- Jeffrey Wisemen, Ph.D., CTO and Vice President, Discovery, Locus Pharmaceuticals

The sessions this year will tackle the following:

ACCESS: Enabling Discovery through Access to "Open Source" Science, Databases and Software Tools 
SCREEN: Screening and Modeling: Success Stories and the Challenges that Remain 
MANAGE: Coping with the Volume of Data and Transforming it into Knowledge 
INTEGRATE: Integrative Approaches for Chemical and Biological Data and Knowledge Management 
EXECUTE: Case Studies and Lessons Learned from Your Peers

For more information, please visit
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Modified: Wed Feb 11 19:37:30 2009 GMT
Page accessed 6513 times since Wed Feb 11 19:35:17 2009 GMT

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