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Up Directory CCL 09.05.01 "Atoms in Molecules" Symposium: Canadian Chemical Conference & Exhibition (CSC 2009)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 16 03:27:34 2009
Subject: 09.05.01 "Atoms in Molecules" Symposium: Canadian Chemical Conference & Exhibition (CSC 2009)
We are happy to invite you to participate in the Symposium on interpreting
chemical computations at the annual national meeting of the Canadian 
Society for Chemistry, to be held in Hamilton, Ontario 
(30 May-5 June 2009):                   

Symposium Website:

Conference Website:

This symposium, in honor of Richard Bader, will be conceptual techniques 
for interpreting chemical computations.  While the title is 
"Atoms in Molecules" the symposium will be significantly broader, 
including not only QTAIM but also other theories based on the electron 
density such as "conceptual" or "chemical" DFT, MO theory, valence bond 
theory, etc.  The list of confirmed speakers below shows that breadth 
(this list is expected to grow):

Confirmed Invited Speakers (so far)
James Anderson, McMaster University, (Canada)
Richard Bader, McMaster University, (Canada)
Andre Bandrauk, Université de Sherbrooke, (Canada)
Friedrich Biegler-König, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, (Germany)
Russell Boyd, Dalhousie University, (Canada)
Patrick Bultinck, University of Ghent, (Belgium)
Morrel Cohen, Rutgers University, (USA)
Fernando Cortez Guzman, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), (Mexico)
Frank De Proft, Vrije University Brussel (VUB), (Belgium)
Patrick Fowler, University of Sheffield, (UK)
Jose Luis Gazquez, University Aut. Metropolitana (UAM), (Mexico)
Paul Geerlings, Vrije University Brussel (VUB), (Belgium)
Jesus Hernandez-Trujillo, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), (Mexico)
Samantha Jenkins, University West, (Sweden)
Erin Johnson, Duke University, (USA)
Todd Keith, Semichem Inc. and University of Missouri (USA)
Claude Lecomte, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1, (France)
Creon Levit, NASA-Ames, (USA)
Angel Martin-Pendas, Universidad de Oviedo, (Spain)
Lou Massa, Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY), (USA)
Junia Melin, Auburn University, (USA)
Vince Ortiz, Auburn University, (USA)
Robert Parr, University North Carolina, (USA)
Andreas Savin, CNRS, (France)
Akitomo Tachibana, Kyoto University, (Japan)
Nick Werstiuk, McMaster University, (Canada)
Krzysztof Wozniak, Warsaw University, (Poland)

Our goal is to facilitate a mind-stimulating exchange not only on what the
current status of interpreting chemical computations is, but, more 
importantly, what the major outstanding problems and what the most 
promising (and least promising) approaches to those problems are. 

While Hamilton has an airport (20 minutes from the conference venue), 
it is often *much* cheaper to fly into Toronto (Pearson Airport; 
50 minutes away) or Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. (Buffalo-Niagara; 90 minutes
away). Shuttles are available to Hamilton from either airport, provided 
you reserve the shuttle in advance.  Car rentals in Buffalo, but not 
Toronto, are usually quite affordable.)

We hope that you will participate in this event. 

If you are planning to attend, please submit your abstract 
BEFORE 18 FEBRUARY 2009. If you cannot meet this deadline, you can still 
participate by sending your abstract by email to both of us 
(, For registration details see:

We hope to see you in Hamilton,

Paul W. Ayers and Cherif F. Matta

Paul W. Ayers 
Associate Professor 
Canada Research Chair in Theoretical Chemistry and Chemical Biology 
Department of Chemistry 
McMaster University 
Cherif F. Matta 
Assistant Professor 
Deparment of Chemistry and Physics 
Mount Saint Vincent
Adjunct Professor
Department of Chemistry
Dalhousie University
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Modified: Mon Feb 16 08:27:34 2009 GMT
Page accessed 6641 times since Mon Feb 16 07:42:02 2009 GMT

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