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Up Directory CCL 09.08.31 DFT09, Lyon, France
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Feb 26 09:11:53 2009
Subject: 09.08.31 DFT09, Lyon, France
Dear colleagues, 
The University of Lyon is pleased to host the 

13th edition of the International Conference on the applications of 
Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics
 - DFT09 -
from August 31st to September 4th, 2009 in Lyon, France.
We cordially invite you to register on line as from now: 
all details for registration: fees, accommodation, program and 
options are on the conference website: 

We remember you that the deadline for oral communication abstract 
submission is March 16th, 2009
You will receive further announcements and be informed of any updating 
on the website such as submission acceptance, detailed program and so on.
Do not hesitate to forward this information on to your colleagues and 
partners or any other interested party and make sure you mark the dates 
in your agenda.

Looking forward to seeing you at Lyon in August 2009!
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Modified: Thu Feb 26 14:11:53 2009 GMT
Page accessed 7943 times since Thu Feb 26 14:11:54 2009 GMT

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