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Up Directory CCL 09.10.13 eCheminfo 2009 InterAction Meeting:Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Informatics, Bryn Mawr Philadelphia
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Mar 6 13:30:00 2009
Subject: 09.10.13 eCheminfo 2009 InterAction Meeting:Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Informatics, Bryn Mawr Philadelphia
CFP - eCheminfo 2009 InterAction Meeting; Philadelphia Oct 09.

Bursary Awards available

Latest Advances in Drug Discovery Informatics  

eCheminfo 2009 InterAction Meeting 
October 13-16, 2009 
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, USA 

Conference Link:

Themes: Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug 
Discovery Innovation, Structure-based Drug Design, Screening, Docking, 
Structural Biology, Predictive Toxicology, Predictive ADME, Chemogenomics,
PDB Ligands

Format: Seminars, Roundtables, Presentations, Panel Q&As, Discussions, 
Break-out Workshops, Web-supported. Evening Poster sessions, networking, 
social activities.

This meeting will take place concurrently with the InnovationWell 2009 

Call for Papers:
Abstracts (300-500 words) should be submitted by March 31, 2009, and be 
accompanied by a short biography and photo of the presenting author 
(300-500 words). Abstracts approved by the scientific organizing committee
will be selected for scheduling on the conference program. Authors will 
be notified of acceptance as soon as a review of submitted materials 
takes place and at the latest by April 15, 2009.  Abstracts for posters 
will continue to be accepted for review through August 31, 2009.  Please 
visit for submission guidance.

A pre conference best practices workshop will take place October 12, 2009.

Bursary Awards
Bursary Awards will be used to support the attendance of a selection of 
academic young investigators at the meeting and workshops. Applicants can
be working in any area of research related to drug discovery at the 
postdoctoral, graduate student and senior undergraduate levels.  
Application deadline 31 March 2009.

Program: Dr. Barry Hardy, eCheminfo Community of Practice, Douglas 
Tel: +41 61 851 0170. 

Registration Enquiries: Nicki Douglas, Douglas Connect, Baermeggenweg 
14, 4314 Zeiningen, Switzerland. 
Tel: +41 61 851 0461. 

More information at: 

eCheminfo Program 

InnovationWell Program
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Modified: Fri Mar 6 18:30:00 2009 GMT
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