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Up Directory CCL 09.06.08 ACS Virtual Career Fair June 8-12
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu May 28 11:46:36 2009
Subject: 09.06.08 ACS Virtual Career Fair June 8-12
Yes, employers are hiring! And many of them will be at the ACS Virtual Career Fair June 8-12. 

In today's economy, you should maximize your exposure whether you're job hunting or not. And ACS provides all of the tools you need to find a job. During the Virtual Career Fair you'll be able to:

- Interview virtually using 
- Post and edit your resume 
- Search job postings by field of specialization, work function, educational level, or employer 
- Create job search agents 
- Request interviews 
- View your interviews scheduled by employers 
- Maintain your personal calendar 
- Have notices sent to your personal email account 
- Attend webinars and get career advice   

Win the Flip Ultra or other prizes for referring scientists or employers. This event is open to ACS members and non-members. Register now at (see right column).  
Questions? Contact Ms. Garretta Rollins at or 202.872.6209. 

This is a FREE service for job seekers and employers from the American Chemical Society (ACS).
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Modified: Thu May 28 15:46:36 2009 GMT
Page accessed 5243 times since Thu May 28 15:42:50 2009 GMT

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