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Up Directory CCL 09.08.19 DrugInfoMeet, Cochin (God's Own Country), India: International Conference on Chemoinformatics, Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Jun 4 10:30:12 2009
Subject: 09.08.19 DrugInfoMeet, Cochin (God's Own Country), India: International Conference on Chemoinformatics, Chemogenomics and Computational Chemistry
DrugInfoMeet: International Conference on Chemoinformatics, Chemogenomics 
and Computational Chemistry Approaches in Drug Discovery

19th to 21st August 2009 (A Three-day Conference and (Hands-on) Workshop 
on Drug Info & Design Methods)

Venue: St. Albert's College (Mahatma Gandhi University), Ernakulam, Cochin.
Jointly Hosted by: 
Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Trivandrum &
deNovo Drugs, Bangalore E-mail: corporate ..

Conference objective is to exchange ideas across discipline boundaries 
of computational chemistry, chemoinformatics, chemogenomics, including 
latest advances in computational approaches to drug discovery innovation. 
The conference aims to bring together industrialists, researches, teachers 
and students interested in computational methods and to assess and 
publicize the latest methodological advances and challenges underlying 
modern drug discovery.

Relevance & Key Benefits
- Learn the best practices of chemistry information handling and database 
  integration in R&D, to enhance processing power and workflow 
  efficiencies for seamless decision-making in shorter timeframe.

- Diagnose current and future developments on how chemogenomics and 
  chemoinformatics could help in assimilating data from laboratory bench 
  to drug development in the most time-effective and functional manner.

- Benchmark against the most efficient & cost effective drug design 
  approaches and chemoinformatics deployment.

- Analyse and discuss major challenges of chemoinformatics integration 
  in key drug design processes.

- Gain winning strategies in chemistry knowledge management, from 
  effective scientific data storage, analysis, sharing, organisation and 
  utilisation to optimise cross functional productivity and creativity.

- Optimise laboratory data management through effective and integrated 
  communication system, to achieve maximum accessibility across different 
  functional groups.

- Foster discussions to discover user-friendly chemogenomics and 
  chemoinformatics R&D solutions that requires minimum maintenance.

- Overcome current bottlenecks in Life Science research community, 
  by learning from your peers on how they overcome resource deficiency 
  within the organisation and industry.

Conference Sessions

Day 1: 19th August 2009
Session 1 - Forenoon: Databases and Data Sources in Chemistry; 
            Chemoinformatics & Chemogenomics Approaches To Drug Discovery

Session 2 - Forenoon: Molecular Mechanics and Hybrid QM/MM Methods in 
            Modern Drug Discovery Research

Session 3 - Afternoon: Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry

Session 4 - Afternoon: Protein Target to Drug Molecule: Drug Evolution, 
            Development of Drug Research, Drug Design Strategies, QSAR, 
            Virtual Screening/ Docking.

Day 2: 20th August 2009
Session 5 - Forenoon: Predictive ADME/Toxicology, Cheminformatics 
            Approaches to Toxicity Prediction

Session 6 - Forenoon: Drug Discovery Informatics: Combinatorial Chemistry 
            using Computers, Chemistry and Drug Information on the 
Session 7 - Afternoon: Workshop Tutorial / Hands-on Training on 
            Chemoinformatics and Drug Design softwares.

Day 3: 21st August 2009
Session 8 - Forenoon: Workshop Tutorial / Hands-on Training on Drug 
            Design softwares.

Session 9 - Afternoon: Workshop Tutorial / Hands-on Training on Drug 
            Design softwares.

Resource Persons

Scientific Advisory Board
1)  Prof. M. S. Gopinathan, IISER, Trivandrum
2)  Prof. Johann Gasteiger, Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg and Molecular 
    Networks, Germany
3)  Dr. Karthikeyan, NCL, Pune
4)  Prof. E.D. Jemmis, IISER, Trivandrum

Confirmed Speakers
1)  Prof. M. S. Gopinathan, IISER, Trivandrum
2)  Dr. Andreas Bender, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, 
    The Netherlands
3)  Dr. Manojkumar T.K., IIITM-K, Trivandrum
4)  Dr. Sasidhar Rao, Schrodinger Inc., USA
5)  Dr. Prince Xavier, deNovo Drugs, Bangalore
6)  Dr. Munikumarreddy Doddareddy, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug 
    Research, The Netherlands
7)  Mr. R. Raghu, Director - Biz Dev, Schrodinger, Hyderabad, India


Pre-registration is required to attend the conference and workshop. You 
may send a plain paper application to the mailing address given below, 
showing your interest to participate in the conference and/or workshop, 
along with a Demand Draft (or Cashier's Check) for the appropriate amount, 
favoring 'The Director, IIITM-K, Trivandrum' payable at Trivandrum.

Registration Fee:

For conference and workshop (Hands-On):
Academic: INR 3,500 (students/faculty)
Industry/corporates: INR 7,500
Foreign: $300 (USD)

For conference without participation in the workshop:
Academic: INR 2,000 (students/faculty)
Industry/corporates: INR 5000
Foreign: $200 (USD)

Register Online: 
You may also register online at, 
using credit card.

The registration deadline is 15th July, 2009.

Address for mailing in your offline registrations:
Dr. T.K. Manojkumar (Academic Convener)
IIITM-K, NILA Building, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum -695581, India.
E-mail:  manojtk ..

The registration fee will cover the conference proceedings, welcome-kit 
& stationery, lunch and coffee breaks. 
Seats are limited for Workshop (Hands-On) participation, and will be 
filled on a first-come first-serve basis. 

Contact address for conference information:

Dr. Ravi Divakaran
Department of Chemistry, St. Albert's College,
Banerji Road, Ernakulam, Cochin - 682018, India.
E-mail: ravidivakaran ..
Phone: +91-9847-219522

Contact address for conference sponsorship:

Dr. Prince Xavier (Conference Convener - Corporate)
deNovo Drugs
#4, 12th Main, Maruthi Layout,
Hebbal - Dasarahalli, Bangalore - 560024, India.
E-mail: prince ..
Phone: +91-9886-814081
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Modified: Thu Jun 4 14:30:12 2009 GMT
Page accessed 6803 times since Thu Jun 4 12:02:43 2009 GMT

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