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Up Directory CCL 09.10.30 18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Miss
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Aug 28 15:51:09 2009
Subject: 09.10.30 18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, Miss

18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry 
(October 30-31, 2009)

We are pleased to announce and to invite you to attend the 
18th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry 
(CCTCC) on October 30-31, 2009. This symposium, organized by 
Jackson State University, covers all areas of computational 
chemistry as well as quantum chemistry.

The format consists of a series of (invited) plenary lectures 
and poster presentations on Friday and Saturday covering
applications as well as theory. As suggested by Professor 
John Pople, several years ago we inaugurated a tradition for 
the second decade of our conferences. Each meeting is featuring 
a talk named after eminent computational chemists. This year 
the eights presentation in this series will be given by 
Professor William H. Miller from the University of California, 
Berkeley. A banquet is scheduled for the Saturday evening and 
a dinner and reception for Friday.

As usual the conference will be held at the Hilton Jackson Hotel, 
Jackson, Mississippi.

List of invited speakers:
Victor Batista, Yale University
Matthias Bickelhaupt, der Vrije University, Holland
Sylvio Canuto, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil
Cary Chabalowski, US Army
Miguel Fuentes-Cabrera, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Anna Krylov, University of Southern California
Zdzislaw Latajka, University of Wroclaw, Poland
William Miller, University of California, Berkeley
Gabor Naray-Szabo, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
John Perdew, Tulane University
Oleg Shishkin, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Donald Thompson, University of Missouri-Columbia
Alex Tropscha, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

All details about registration, abstracts and housing
may be found on our WWW site at

Questions? Email us: cctcc (at)
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Modified: Fri Aug 28 19:51:09 2009 GMT
Page accessed 6117 times since Fri Aug 28 19:51:09 2009 GMT

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