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Up Directory CCL 09.11.11 Membrane Protein Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Sep 24 16:03:05 2009
Subject: 09.11.11 Membrane Protein Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware USA
University of Delaware Membrane Protein Symposium
November 11, 2009
Clayton Hall, University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

Dear Colleague,
The University of Delaware is hosting a membrane protein symposium on 
November 11, 2009. This one-day event will feature a series of 8 speakers 
throughout the day, with a poster session during the post-lunch hour or so. 
You, your students and post-doctoral associates, and faculty colleagues are
cordially invited to participate in this annual event supported through 
an NIH-funded COBRE (Center of Biomedical Research Excellence) in the 
Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Delaware.

This year's list of confirmed speakers is:
Don Engelman (Yale)
Bridget Wilson (U. New Mexico)
Toby Allen (U. C. Davis)
Francesco Tombola (U. C. Irvine)
Tom Sakmar (Rockefeller)
Joanne Yeh (Univ. Pittsburgh)
Barbara Baird (Cornell)
Peter Tieleman (Calgary)

Talks (40 minutes) will span a mix of biophysics, structural biology, 
and microscopy/imaging. Food and refreshments will be provided. 
Registration is free and can be performed through the symposium website at
the following url: 

If problems arise with the website, please contact Sandeep Patel (
with registration information (names of people attending, presenting poster)

We appreciate your support and look forward to your participation.
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Modified: Thu Sep 24 20:03:06 2009 GMT
Page accessed 5600 times since Thu Sep 24 06:39:25 2009 GMT

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