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Up Directory CCL 09.11.06 2009 Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of Waterloo, Canada
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Sep 29 09:09:18 2009
Subject: 09.11.06 2009 Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of Waterloo, Canada
                      SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT
              2009 Symposium on Chemical Physics
                 at the University of Waterloo

       Celebrating 25 Years of Chemical Physics Meetings
                 and the career of Robert J. Le Roy

The twenty-fifth annual Symposium on Chemical Physics at the University of
Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, will be held on the weekend of November 6-8,
2009.  As usual, the Symposium will include both invited and contributed oral
papers, as well as a Poster session, and will run from approximately 7:30 PM
on the Friday evening till midday Sunday.  The Saturday afternoon Poster
session and reception will be followed by the conference banquet and the
usual extended discussions.  The Invited Speakers for this year's meeting are:

                        Invited Speakers

Marsha Lester    --  U. Pennsylvania -- the Plenary 'Roger E. Miller' Lecturer
  "Dynamical Outcomes of Quenching: Reflections on a Conical Intersection"

Jeremy Hutson    --  University of Durham
  "Ultracold Molecules and Ultracold Collisions"

Wolfgang Jager   --  University of Alberta
  "Doped Superfluid Clusters"

Roman Krems      --  University of British Columbia
  "Ultracold Chemistry"

Kevin Lehmann    --  University of Virgina
  "Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy"

Robert J. Le Roy --  University of Waterloo
  "Adventures in 'Potentiology'"

Giacinto Scoles  --  Princeton University, and International Center for Science and High 
Technology (ICS-UNIDO) and International School for Advanced Studies (Trieste)
  "Nanomedicine: Towards New Definitions, Diagnostics and Cure of Illness
   in Modern Medicine"

FULL DETAILS regarding registration, contributed paper submission, housing
and other matters, together with programs of previous meetings in this series
may be found on our WWW site:


Waterloo is located approximately one hour (100 km/60 miles) from the Toronto
International Airport.
                       Host Community
  T. Amano, R.J. Le Roy, K.T. Leung, J.D.D. Martin, F.R. McCourt,
            T.B. McMahon, M. Nooijen and P.-N. Roy
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Modified: Tue Sep 29 13:09:27 2009 GMT
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