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CCL 10.07.05 IX Girona Seminar on Electron Density, Density Matrices, and Density Functional Theory, Girona, Spain |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Tue Sep 29 14:23:13 2009 Subject: 10.07.05 IX Girona Seminar on Electron Density, Density Matrices, and Density Functional Theory, Girona, Spain FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT **************************************** IX Girona Seminar on Electron Density, Density Matrices, and Density Functional Theory. Dedicated to Prof. Ramon Carbo-Dorca on occasion of his 70th birthday 5 - 8 July 2010, Girona, Catalonia Spain *************************************** Introduction: The Girona Seminars have been taken place in the historic town of Girona every two years since back to 1993, with the aim of bringing together, in a beautiful environment and in an informal and friendly atmosphere, young and senior scientists. We have decided to continue next year the organization of the Girona Seminars that started in 1993 and continued until 2008 with the VIII edition. We are now starting the organization of the IX Girona Seminar that will be held at the Universitat de Girona from July 5th until July 8th 2010 and will be dedicated to Prof. Dr. Ramon Carbo-Dorca on occasion of his 70th birthday. The aim of the conference is to give the audience an impression of the recent developments and applications of quantum chemistry for the analysis of the electron density, density matrices, and density functional theory. This will be the main subject, although, following the philosophy of the previous Girona Seminars, other aspects such as theoretical chemistry, quantum chemistry, mathematical chemistry, molecular similarity, molecular properties, nature of the chemical bond, and quantitative structure-property relationships will be also welcome. More details regarding pre-registration, accomodation, conference site and other matters, will be found on our WWW site: Confirmed speakers: Neil Allan (United Kingdom) Paul Ayers (Canada) Evert Jan Baerends (The Netherlands) Axel Becke (Canada) Joan Bertran (Spain) F. Matthias Bickelhaupt (The Netherlands) Patrick Bultinck (Belgium) Ramon Carbo-Dorca (Spain) Jerzy Cioslowski (Poland) David Cooper (United Kingdom) Gustavo E. Scuseria (USA) Gernot Frenking (Germany) Patricio Fuentealba (Chile) Paul Geerlings (Belgium) Andrew Gilbert (Australia) Peter Gill (Australia) Paola Gori-Giorgi (France) Stefan Grimme (Germany) Kimihiko Hirao (Japan) So Hirata (USA) Peter Karadakov (United Kingdom) Jacek Karwowski (Poland) Werner Kutzelnigg (Germany) Mel Levy (USA) Angel Martin-Pendas (Spain) Istvan Mayer (Hungary) Paul Mezey (Canada) Paula Mori-Sanchez (USA) Johanes Neugebauer (The Netherlands) John Perdew (USA) Mario Piris (Spain) Robert Ponec (Czech Republic) Jana Roithova (Czech Republic) Andreas Savin (France) Luis Seijo (Spain) Brian Sutcliffe (Belgium) Marcel Swart (Spain) Agnes Szabados (Hungary) Seiichiro Ten-no (Japan) David Tozer (United Kingdom) Jesus Ugalde (Spain) Weitao Yang (USA) Michal Zielinski (Poland) International Advisory Board: Evert Jan Baerends (The Netherlands) F. Matthias Bickelhaupt (The Netherlands) Patrick Bultinck (Belgium) Jerzy Cioslowski (Poland) David Cooper (United Kingdom) Jacek Karwowski (Poland) Gernot Frenking (Germany) Paul Geerlings (Belgium) Peter Gill (Australia) Kimihiko Hirao (Japan) Angel Martin-Pendas (Spain) Istvan Mayer (Hungary) Paul Mezey (Canada) Robert Ponec (Czech Republic) Andreas Savin (France) Jesus Ugalde (Spain) We would like to encourage all of you to join us in the forthcoming Girona Seminar. A limited number of short oral scientific contributions are still available for participants and in particular young researchers. We look forward to seeing you in Girona. Sincerely, The Organising Committee Prof. Dr. Miquel Sola Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee e-mail: miquel.sola|-| Dr. Lluis Blancafort Vice-chairman of the Local organizing Committee e-mail: lluis.blancafort|-| Dr. Pedro Salvador Secretary of the Local organizing Committee e-mail: pedro.salvador|-| Dr. Jordi Poater Vice-secretary of the Local organizing Committee e-mail: jordi.poater|-|udg.eduNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to |-| to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change |-| to @ For example: change joe|-| to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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Modified: Tue Sep 29 18:23:13 2009 GMT |
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