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Up Directory CCL 09.11.17 SciMeeting2009
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Oct 11 19:25:32 2009
Subject: 09.11.17 SciMeeting2009
Scienomics cordially invites you to participate in the Scienomics Worldwide meeting 2009, SciMeeting2009, to be held in Paris, 
on the 17th – 18th of November 2009.

This meeting will combine scientific presentations, user exchanges, training and consortium communications. Scienomics provides 
software technology that helps organizations to use simulation technology in their R&D activities as a tool for efficient product 
and process design and development.

Scienomics' simulation platform MAPS is the result of 5 years of research and development covering today efficiently the areas of 
quantum, classical and mesoscale simulations. The quality of the simulation techniques implemented in MAPS has been testified by 
the constantly increasing number of users as well as by the numerous applications presented in the various Scienomics events.

MAPS clearly delivers to its users state-of-the-art simulation techniques in materials science and thermodynamic modeling. 
In coming November Scienomics will be releasing MAPS 3.2 with ground breaking new technology.
This will include :

    * A database system to store molecular structures and the results of simulations performed
    * A better way of handling the results of simulations in MAPS together with drag-and-drop repetition of a computational experiment
    * A QSAR tool with about 3200 descriptors and clustering
    * Implementation of a configurational bias algorithm in Amorphous Builder which allows to build amorphous systems with 
constraints (for example, to fill the space between two crystal surfaces with an amorphous system) and will improve in general 
the quality of the generated structures
    * Support for non-orthogonal cells in Amorphous Builder
    * Support for pharmaceuticals in SciTherm
    * Additional build functions: fuse and connect
    * Additional force fields: Trappe

MAPS 3.2 will be presented at the SciMeeting2009, with a focus on industrial applications. Featured industrial and academic 
speakers will present exciting applications...

Who should attend this meeting?

Molecular modelers, analytical chemists and chemical engineers interested in molecular modeling solutions from the fields of:

    * Chemical industry
    * Petrochemical industry
    * Oil and Gas industry
    * Home and personal care industry
    * Transport and defense industry
    * Drug release and pharmaceutical industry


Register for free till 30 October and save €120,00.
Participants are responsible for their own travel and accomondation expenses
Please click here to register for this meeting.
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Modified: Sun Oct 11 23:25:32 2009 GMT
Page accessed 4812 times since Sun Oct 11 23:15:53 2009 GMT

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