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Up Directory CCL 09.11.11 University of Delaware Membrane Protein Symposium November 11, 2009
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Oct 14 13:05:18 2009
Subject: 09.11.11 University of Delaware Membrane Protein Symposium November 11, 2009
We would like to bring to your and your colleagues' attention the third annual one-day Delaware
Membrane Protein Symposium, to be held at the University of Delaware on
Wednesday November 11, 2009. The symposium will bring together people from a
diverse range of interests and techniques (including molecular simulations) who share a common interest in the
biology and biophysics of membrane proteins and their components. We cordially
invite you and your group members, and departmental/college colleagues
to a day of exciting lectures and discussions.
In addition to the invited lectures by renowned experts in membrane biophysics
and biology, the symposium includes poster presentations by students and
postdocs.  We believe that this format will promote stimulating discussions and
exchanges of ideas.

The Delaware Membrane Protein Symposium is supported by the NIH-COBRE on
Membrane Protein Production and Characterization.  In order to register (which
is free but required), please visit the Symposium website

which includes the list of confirmed speakers.

We hope that you can join us at the Symposium.
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Modified: Wed Oct 14 17:05:18 2009 GMT
Page accessed 5512 times since Wed Oct 14 17:05:18 2009 GMT

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