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Up Directory CCL 10.05.12 UK-QSAR Spring Meeting, Newhouse, Scotland
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Jan 6 12:48:50 2010
Subject: 10.05.12 UK-QSAR Spring Meeting, Newhouse, Scotland
The UK_QSAR and Cheminformatics group holds free-to-attend meetings, twice 
each year; to showcase recent developments in modelling and cheminformatics
of relevance to the pharmaceutical and allied industries and to promote
relevant academic research.

The Spring meeting of the UK-QSAR and ChemInformatics group will be held in
Newhouse, Scotland this year, with an optional conference dinner and 
plenary speech on the evening of the 12th May 2010, followed by a full day 
session on the 13th May.
Transport from/to Edinburgh Airport will be arranged for the 13th May.

Programme and Registration will become accessible via

Additional questions to brad.sherborne[#]
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Modified: Wed Jan 6 17:48:50 2010 GMT
Page accessed 6013 times since Wed Jan 6 17:27:09 2010 GMT

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