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Up Directory CCL 10.06.23 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Feb 16 03:28:15 2010
Subject: 10.06.23 CHI's Structure-Based Drug Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Join us for CHI's 10th Anniversary Event...

Multidisciplinary Innovations and Structural Insights to Enhance 
Drug Discovery

June 23-25, 2010
Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA

Register by March 26 and Save up to $350

In this program, we wish to highlight some recent breakthrough stories 
and successes using SBDD driven by medicinal chemistry, computational 
and biophysical approaches. This conference continues to offer both 
new attendees and alumni insights into the latest work of community 
thought-leaders as well as invaluable networking opportunities.

Topics Include:
- Selectivity Optimization: Using Structure to Optimize Selectivity
- In Silico Discovery of Small Molecule Binders
- New Computational Methods in SBDD
- Targeting of Protein-Protein Interactions
- New Advances in Docking
- Impact of SBDD on Small Molecule Drug Discovery
- GPCR Drug Discovery
- Workshop: Therapeutic Target Space: Methods for Druggability Assessment

View the full agenda and register at or call 781-972-5400

Interested in Sponsoring and/or Exhibiting?
Contact Katelin Fitzgerald at 781-972-5458, kfitzgerald\a/

Organizer: Cambridge Healthtech Institute
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Modified: Tue Feb 16 08:28:15 2010 GMT
Page accessed 5945 times since Tue Feb 16 08:28:16 2010 GMT

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