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Up Directory CCL 10.06.14 2010 ISQBP President's Meeting, Cetraro (CS), Italy
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Feb 22 04:46:41 2010
Subject: 10.06.14 2010 ISQBP President's Meeting, Cetraro (CS), Italy
The President of the International Society of Quantum Biology and 
Pharmacology (ISQBP) announces the 2010 ISQBP President's Meeting, 
entitled "Folding and Recognition: Similarities and Differences", 
which will be held at the Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro (CS), 
Italy, June 14-16, 2010.

This is a biennial conference, organized by the ISQBP President 
focusing on a topic that encompasses both MD simulation and Quantum 
Chemical based methodologies. This year it is devoted to fundamental
problems in molecular design and macromolecular engineering.

Additional information can be found at 

On behalf of the ISQBP President (Monte Pettitt <pettitt()>)
the ISQBP Secretary, 
Caterina Ghio
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Modified: Mon Feb 22 09:46:42 2010 GMT
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