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Up Directory CCL 10.08.25 8th European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Lund, Sweden
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Feb 28 11:25:41 2010
Subject: 10.08.25 8th European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Lund, Sweden
Welcome to the 8th European Conference on Computational Chemistry, a satellite meeting to the 3rd
EucheMS Chemistry Congress. The conference will be held August 25-28 in Lund, Sweden 

EUCO-CC8 is organized by the Division on Computational Chemistry of EuCheMS in cooperation with
 the Division of Theoretical Chemistry of the Swedish Chemical Society and the University of Lund.

The conference will cover research in all areas of computational chemistry. A number of invited 
lecturers will highlight the latest advances in Materials chemistry, Soft matter, Biological chemistry, 
Photochemistry and photobiology, Homogenous catalysis and Computational chemistry on alternative

Confirmed Speakers:
Ron Dror, USA
William A. Goddard III, USA
Leticia Gonzalez, Germany
John McGrady, UK
Berk Hess, Sweden
Kersti Hermansson, Sweden
Lynn Kamerlin, USA
Feliu Maseras, Spain
Todd Martinez, USA
Martin Nilsson Jacobi, Sweden
Massimo Olivucci, Italy
Martien Cohen Stuart, the Netherlands
Walter Thiel, Germany
There will also be contributed talks and poster presentations.


Early-Bird registration: April 1, 2010
Abstracts: April 1, 2010

More information about the conference can be found at
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Modified: Sun Feb 28 16:25:42 2010 GMT
Page accessed 8264 times since Sun Feb 28 16:25:43 2010 GMT

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